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The Wolfram Language provides state-of-the-art high-precision geodesy computation, supporting all standard datums and projections.

DMS etc. Conversions

FromDMS — convert from degrees, minutes, and seconds to decimal degrees

DMSString, DMSList — convert from decimal degrees to degrees-minutes-seconds form

Latitude, Longitude, LatitudeLongitude — extract latitude, longitude

Degree (°) — conversion factor from radians to degrees (entered as deg)

Geodetic Points & Coordinate Systems

GeoPosition — geodetic position specified by latitude and longitude

GeoPositionXYZ  ▪  GeoPositionENU

GeoGridPosition — projected position in a cartographic grid

GeoAntipode — antipode of a geodetic location

RandomGeoPosition — generate pseudorandom geo positions in a region

Geodetic Vectors & Vector Frames

GeoVector — geodetic vector specified by modulus and direction

GeoVectorXYZ  ▪  GeoVectorENU

GeoGridVector — vector specified by components in the projected coordinates frame

Geodetic Paths & Measures

GeoDistance — distance between geodetic positions

GeoDirection — azimuthal direction between geodetic positions

GeoDestination — position at a given distance and direction from a point

GeoDisplacement — symbolic representation of a geodetic direction and distance

GeoLength — length of a geodetic path

GeoArea — area of a geodetic region

GeoDistanceList — successive pairwise distances between a list of geodetic positions

Geodetic Projections

GeodesyData — data on reference ellipsoids and geodetic datums

GeoProjectionData — data on cartographic projections

Projection Scale & Distortion

GeoGridUnitDistance — local geo distance corresponding to a unit of map distance

GeoGridUnitArea — local geo area corresponding to a unit of map area

GeoGridDirectionDifference — local angular change under projection

GeoElevationData — elevation data for the Earth and other planetary bodies

GeoGraphics — create detailed relief, border, street, etc. maps

GeoImage — satellite imagery

GeoNearest — find nearest geographic features

GeoWithinQ  ▪  GeoIdentify  ▪  GeoEntities

GeoBoundingBox — geo bounding box of a geographic object

GeoBounds  ▪  GeoBoundsRegion  ▪  GeoDisk  ▪  GeoVisibleRegion

City, Country — positions of cities, countries

Planet PlanetaryMoon Star ...

SunPosition  ▪  MoonPosition  ▪  Sunrise  ▪  Sunset  ▪  MoonPhase

Current Location Information

Here — deduced current geo location

$GeoLocation — settable current geodetic location

FindGeoLocation — try to find the current location using GPS, geoIP, etc.

$GeoLocationCountry  ▪  $GeoLocationCity  ▪  $TimeZone

Time Computations »

LocalTime — local time at any location on the Earth

LocalTimeZone — local time zone for any location

Travel-Based Computations »

TravelDistance — distance based on travel by car, walking, etc.

TravelTime — time based on travel by car, walking, etc.

TravelDistanceList — successive pairwise travel distances between a list of locations
