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gives the value of the specified financial instrument.


computes the specified property prop.

Details and Options


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Basic Examples  (6)

Value of a European call option:

Value and all Greeks of a European call option:

Compute the value given an expiration date of the contract:

List all available contract types:

List all contracts that are CUDA accelerated:

Maximize the performance of the derivative valuation using GPUs and parallelizing computation by giving parameters in lists:

Scope  (30)

Contract Types  (27)

Vanilla  (3)

Determine the parameters for a vanilla contract:

Value of a American vanilla contract:

Compute the difference in values of an American and a European vanilla contract:

Compute the implied volatility of the contract:

Asian  (3)

Compute the value of an Asian option:

The value of the option is correlated with the weight of the average:

Compute the value and Greeks of an Asian arithmetic call option:

Barrier  (2)

Compute the value of a barrier option:

Barriers restrict positive outcomes for the option holder, compared to a vanilla contract:

Compute the value of a double-barrier knock-out option:

Compound  (3)

Compute the value of a European exercise call on a call option:

An extendible contract for the same parameters is at least as valuable as a compound option:

A chooser option for the same parameters will be more expensive than either:

Lookback  (3)

Compute the deltas of a lookback fixed-strike and a lookback floating-strike option:

Compute the volatility needed to produce a given critical value for a perpetual lookback put:

Plot the effect of volatility on the critical values of perpetuals:

Power  (3)

Compute the value of a standard European power call option:

Compute the value of a European powered put option:

Compute the value of a European capped power put option:

Rainbow  (5)

Compute the value of a rainbow best option:

Compute the value and Greeks of a rainbow max call option:

Specify the correlation matrix in the upper-triangular form, and dividends and volatilities as common values:

A rainbow money option is a hedge against poor performance by all basket components:

Plot basket performance ranges as a function of volatility:

Range  (5)

Compute the value of a Himalaya contract:

Compute vega, theta, and rho of an Annapurna contract:

Range contract values are computed using a simulation, and are subject to a small uncertainty:

Atlas option with a return strike price of 1 computes the normalized average yield of a basket of stocks accruing on the nominal amount specified:

The returns accrue on the nominal amount, so the current asset prices are not important:

Dates  (3)

All date specifications must be consistent:

All rates are assumed to be denominated in the same time unit, usually years:

Obtain the same value by specifying daily rates instead:

Options  (12)

Method  (1)

Compute the value of an option by a nondefault method:

"GridSize"  (2)

A short time to expiration requires fewer grid points in the time domain:

Raise the sensitivity to the ambient parameters by constructing a finer spatial grid:

"Paths"  (2)

Change the default number of paths for a simulation-based solver:

Quadrupling the number of samples halves the error:

"RuntimeTarget"(option available in Wolfram Finance Platform only)  (3)

By default, the option setting "RuntimeTarget"->Automatic chooses the fastest available runtime target:

The option setting "RuntimeTarget"->"CUDA" forces the runtime target to be GPUs with CUDA capability:

The settings "Device" and "TargetPrecision" can be used to specify a target CUDA device and desired precision, respectively:

In general, the setting "TargetPrecision"->"Double" can yield more precise results than the "TargetPrecision"->"Single" setting.

The option setting "RuntimeTarget"->"Generic" forces the runtime target to be a local CPU:

"Steps"  (3)

For range options with barriers, the step parameter determines the frequency with which each path is sampled:

For Asian options, the step parameter represents the number of times the average is taken along each price path:

Control the number of steps in a binomial tree algorithm:

"Caching"  (1)

For basket and Asian options, Caching->True enables the caching of values related to the Monte Carlo solution method. By default, Caching->False:

Applications  (3)

Plot the return surface of a call spread:

Plot the values of Greeks as a function of time left until expiration:

Plot the critical value surface of an American put contract:

Properties & Relations  (1)

Confirm that delta is the contract sensitivity to the current price by plotting its Legendre transform:

Possible Issues  (1)

Default spatial grid size does not ensure accuracy for some parameter choices:

Wolfram Research (2010), FinancialDerivative, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/FinancialDerivative.html (updated 2012).


Wolfram Research (2010), FinancialDerivative, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/FinancialDerivative.html (updated 2012).


Wolfram Language. 2010. "FinancialDerivative." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2012. https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/FinancialDerivative.html.


Wolfram Language. (2010). FinancialDerivative. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/FinancialDerivative.html


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@online{reference.wolfram_2024_financialderivative, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={FinancialDerivative}, year={2012}, url={https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/FinancialDerivative.html}, note=[Accessed: 18-May-2024 ]}
