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User Portlet User Portlet

«People Todd Rowland Featured Contributor Todd Rowland Zeta Cubed LOCATION: Maryland WEBSITE: http://www.wolframscience.com/summerschool/ BLOG: http://blog.wolframalpha.com/author/todd-rowland/ SOCIAL: Not indicated INTERESTS IN JOBS & NETWORKING: Not indicated ABOUT ME:

Todd Rowland assisted Stephen Wolfram with mathematical issues found in A New Kind of Science chapters 5, 9, and 12. Before joining the NKS team in 2001, he wrote entries for MathWorld. Todd received his PhD from the University of Chicago in 1999, where he studied traditional mathematics, such as algebraic and differential geometry. For over twelve years, he was the managing editor of Complex Systems. His interests include automated theorem proving, the fundamental theory, and NKS education. Todd Rowland was the Academic Director of the Wolfram Science Summer School from 2003-2016.

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