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User Portlet User Portlet

«People Colin von Negenborn Featured Contributor Colin von Negenborn University of Hamburg LOCATION: Hamburg, Germany WEBSITE: https://uhh.de/wiso-negenborn-en BLOG: Not indicated SOCIAL: Not indicated INTERESTS IN JOBS & NETWORKING: Not indicated ABOUT ME:

In his research, Colin von Negenborn combines the analytical methodology of mathematics and microeconomics with the normative questions of practical philosophy. This way, he sheds light on questions regarding the fairness of distributions and processes: How can a "sustainable" use of resources enable a balance between present and future needs? What does it mean if common goods such as the high seas are to be considered the "common heritage of mankind"? And what do "fair" coordination processes actually look like? Colin von Negenborn studied physics as well as philosophy, politics and economics. After completing a doctorate on economic design at Humboldt University Berlin, he worked as a postdoc at Kiel University in the fields of environmental ethics and international law. Since 2022, conducts his research at the University of Hamburg as part of the interdisciplinary excellence project "Grounds, Norms, Decisions".

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