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ONNX (.onnx)

Background & Context

Import & Export

Import Elements



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Basic Examples  (2)

Import a net in ONNX format:

Show the Import elements available in this file:

Export a net in ONNX format:

Import Elements  (14)

ArrayAssociation  (1)

Obtain an association mapping names to arrays for a given ONNX net:

ArrayList  (1)

Obtain a list of arrays for a given ONNX net:

Description  (1)

Obtain the description for a given ONNX net:

ONNXGraph  (1)

Obtain the ONNX representation of a given net:

ModelDomain  (1)

Obtain the ONNX model domain of a given net:

ModelVersion  (1)

Obtain the ONNX model version of a given net:

Net  (1)

Import the ONNX model as a Wolfram Language net:

This is the default element:

NetExternalObject  (1)

Import the ONNX model as a NetExternalObject:

IRVersion  (1)

Obtain the version of the ONNX intermediate representation of a given net:

OperatorSetVersion  (1)

Obtain the ONNX operator sets used by a given net:

ProducerName  (1)

Obtain the name of the tool used to produce a given net:

ProducerVersion  (1)

Obtain the version of the tool used to produce a given net:

RawData  (1)

Obtain the full unprocessed contents of a given ONNX file:

UninitializedNet  (1)

Import the ONNX model as an uninitialized Wolfram Language net:

Import Options  (1)

"Arrays"  (1)

Arrays used by a net can be contained in separate ONNX tensor proto files. Import an uninitialized net:

Import the net together with its arrays by specifying an array file (multiple array files can be specified in a list):

Export Options  (3)

"GraphName"  (1)

Specify the graph name metadata:

Check the graph name:

"ModelVersion"  (1)

Specify the model version metadata:

Check the model version:

"Description"  (1)

Specify the model description metadata:

Check the description:

Possible Issues  (1)

Any NetEncoder or NetDecoder is automatically removed by Export, as ONNX does not support them. Create a net with a NetEncoder and a NetDecoder and export it:

Importing the model back shows that no NetEncoder or NetDecoder are present:
