Dr. Laura Minet

Dr. Laura Minet
Assistant ProfessorCivil Engineering
Office: EOW 229lauraminet@uvic.ca250-721-8987website

BEng and MEng (Ecole Centrale de Nantes), MASc (McGill), PhD (UofT)

Area of expertise

Air quality, population exposure to air pollution, population health, transportation engineering, vehicle emissions, dispersion modeling



I lead the Clean Air (CLAIR) lab at the University of Victoria. The group's research is motivated by the need to improve urban air quality and minimize population exposure to air pollution to reduce the burden of air pollution on our health. We use empirical and physical models to analyze changes in air quality over time, understand the influence of urban features on air quality, and evaluate the impact of urban planning policies and changing meteorological conditions on population exposure and health.

Please visit the webpage of my lab for more information on my research, projects, publications and vacancies.



I am recruiting enthusiastic and talented researchers at the undergraduate, graduate, and postdoc levels, with backgrounds in environmental engineering, transportation engineering, atmospheric science and other related areas. If you are interested in joining my group, please get in touch by email (lauraminet@uvic.ca) with the subject "CLAIR lab opportunities".