Jason Keonhag Lee

Jason Keonhag  Lee
Assistant ProfessorMechanical Engineering
Office: EOW 225jasonklee@uvic.ca250-721-8867website

BEng (U. of Victoria), MASc (U. of Victoria), PhD (U. of Toronto)

Area of expertise

Electrochemical energy conversion technology, Hydrogen fuel cells and electrolyzers, operando imaging, multi-phase transport, porous medium, advanced interface manufacturing.


Dr. Jason Keonhag Lee’s research specializes in the advancement of clean energy technologies aimed to reduce carbon footprint from our environment. Notable examples of these technologies include hydrogen fuel cells, capable of generating electrical energy through the utilization of hydrogen and air, and electrolyzers that produce hydrogen from liquid water and electricity. Dr. Lee focuses on development of membrane-electrode-assembly (MEA) based electrochemical devices to deliver solutions to the current climate change crisis. Dr. Lee’s research interests are:

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