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Dr. Jentery Sayers

Dr. Jentery Sayers
Director of Media Studies, Associate ProfessorEnglish
Office: CLE

BA and BSc (Virginia Commonwealth), MA and PhD (U. of Washington)

Area of expertise

Media studies; Game studies; American literature; critical theory


I am interested in what media do across forms of fiction: from comics, novels, and radio drama to games, bots, and prototypes. How do they shape and escape our attention? How do we tell stories with them, and how do they tell stories about us?

My pronouns are he / him.


Brief biography

I grew up in Richmond, Virginia and went to Virginia Commonwealth University for my BA (honours) and BS (honours) degrees. Then I moved to Seattle, where I received an MA and PhD in English from the University of Washington (UW). Herb Blau (director), Jessica Burstein, Tom Foster, Phillip Thurtle, and Kathleen Woodward were members of my doctoral supervisory committee, and I took my exams in modernism, critical theories of media and technology, and sound studies. In 2011, I was UW’s Graduate Medalist in the Humanities.

I have been at UVic since July 2011 and was awarded tenure in 2017. I founded and direct the Praxis Studio for Comparative Media Studies (formerly the Maker Lab), with support from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund (BCKDF), and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). 

I teach UVic courses in Media Studies, English, and Cultural, Social, and Political Thought (CSPT). I’ve also taught for Cornish College of the Arts (Humanities), the University of Minnesota (College of Design), the University of Washington Bothell (Media and Communication Studies), the University of Washington Seattle (English), and UVic’s Technology and Society and Professional Communications programs.

The Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC) has been my academic family since 2008. I served on their steering committee between 2011 and 2017 and now sit on their executive committee. I am also a member of the editorial boards for the Gayle Morris Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative (U Michigan Press), Digital Futures (U Toronto Press), the Journal of e-Media Studies (Dartmouth), and Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. In 2015, I was elected to serve until 2020 on the Modern Language Association’s executive committee for the Digital Humanities forum, and I chaired that forum in 2018-19.


I have advised undergraduate and graduate students on research topics such as American science fiction and fantasy (Le Guin, Delany, Butler, Jemisin), bots and automated writing, indie games and play, biopower and neoliberalism, memory and media theory, graphic novels and memoir (Bechdel, Ferris, Moore), digital labour and critical technical practice, net art and tactical media, fandom, Beckett’s radio plays, podcasting and the sensory politics of listening, speculative design and prototyping, electronic publishing and online exhibitions, playlist novels, Victorian and modernist media, Benjamin and the Frankfurt School, and contemporary literature (Morrison, Dunn, Toole, Pynchon, Orange).

These students have since built careers in design, software development, games, libraries, publishing, editing, activism, journalism, creative writing, research, and primary, secondary, and post-secondary education.

Selected courses 


Selected essays

Selected grants

Selected invited talks

I’ve given invited talks, including plenaries and keynotes, at:

I last updated this page in May 2024