Dr. Nancy Wright

Dr. Nancy Wright
Office: CLE D337nancywright@uvic.ca

BA, MA (York), MPhil, PhD (Yale)

Area of expertise

Shakespearean drama; seventeenth-century English poetry; literature and legal history; literature, religion and film.

Nancy Wright held appointments at American, Australian and Canadian universities before joining the University of Victoria in 2016.   She has been a research fellow at the Huntington Library (Los Angeles, CA), John Carter Brown Library (Providence, RI), Humanities Research Centre (Canberra, AU), and Centre for Studies in Religion and Society (UVic).  Her published research explores interdisciplinary topics including: the law in Shakespearean drama and seventeenth-century literature, married women’s property rights in early modern England and nineteenth-century Australia, the Bible and literature, and Australian and American film. Her current research examines the representation of the apocalypse in American film and literature set during the Great Depression.  Her publications in 2020 appear in the Journal of Law, Culture and the Humanities and the Journal of Religion & Film.

Selected Articles

“Apocalypse and Eschatology in John Ford’s The Grapes of Wrath (1940).” Journal of Religion & Film 24.1 (April 2020): Article 58.  https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/jrf/vol24/iss1/58

 “Cross-cultural Conflict about Property Rights in Wild Animals in Australia: Law and Cinema.” Law, Culture and the Humanities 16.1 (2020): 70-81. (Co-author: A.R. Buck).  https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1743872115625625

“Models of Collaboration in 10 Canoes (2006)”, Screening the Past 31 (2011). http://www.screeningthepast.com/2011/08/models-of-collaboration-in-the-making-of-ten-canoes-2006/

“Property and dispossession in Julie Dash’s Daughters of the Dust”, MELUS: Multi - Ethnic Literature of the United States 33.3 (2008):11-25. https://academic.oup.com/melus/article/33/3/11/962989

Selected Books

Buck, A.R. and Wright, N.E. The Poor Man:  Law and Satire in 19th Century New South Wales. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2005

Women, Property and the Letters of the Law in Early Modern England.  Ed. Wright, N.E., Ferguson, M.W. and Buck, A.R. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004.