Ingrid E. Holmberg

Ingrid E. Holmberg
Associate Professor

on administrative leave


PhD (Yale)

Area of expertise

Early Greek poetry: Homer, Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, and archaic lyric; particular interest in narrative and gender theory.

Interests and Areas of Graduate Supervision:

My research area is early Greek poetry: Homer, Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, and archaic lyric.  I have particular interests in narrative and gender theory. 

I supervise students in ancient Greek poetry and literature, primarily in the archaic period.

Recent Graduate Supervisions:

Glenn Beauvais, “Charis and Hubris in Pindaric Cosmology”, 2015.

Jessica Romney, “The Rhetoric of Cohesion:  Allusions to Homeric Heroes in the Poetry of Tyrtaeus, 2011.

Peter Miller,  “Alcman’s Partheneion and the Near East”, 2009.

Recent Publications:

“Sex in Ancient Greek and Roman Epic”, in A Companion to Greek and Roman

Sexualities, Thomas K. Hubbard, ed.  New York:  Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, pp. 314-334.

“Giulia Sissa, Sex and Sensuality in the Ancient World”, The Historian, Vol. 72.3, 2010, pp. 707-708 (review).

“Ruth Scodel, Epic Facework”, Mouseion Vol. 53, 2009, pp. 344-346 (review).

Forthcoming Publications:

“Andromache Karanika, Voices at Work:  Women, Performance, and Labor in Ancient Greece”, Classical Journal (review). 

 Cunning Intelligence in the Iliad and Odyssey (monograph in preparation).

Current Projects:

I am currently writing an article on “polumetis Odysseus” based on talks I have presented at the Classical Association of Canada and the University of Victoria. 

I am also working on an article on the figure of Nestor and his relationship to metis (cunning intelligence) and narrative strategies in the Iliad.