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Jay Cullen

Jay Cullen
Director & ProfessorEarth and Ocean Sciences
Office: BWC A415jcullen@uvic.ca250-472-4353website
Area of expertise

Chemical oceanography, marine biogeochemistry of trace metals, bio-inorganic chemistry, paleoceanography and global change, stable isotope geochemistry and development of novel techniques for trace metals.

Research focus

My research group aims to understand the chemical speciation and fate of trace elements and isotopes in natural waters and how anthropogenic environmental perturbations affect trace element biogeochemical cycles and vice-versa.

This type of research is multidisciplinary combining geochemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, microbial physiology and analytical chemistry. Research projects in Chemical Oceanography can be designed to include both laboratory and sea-going fieldwork. 

Prospective graduate students

We are always on the lookout for motivated graduates and undergraduates to join our group, so please get in touch if you are interested.