Nancy Shackelford

Nancy Shackelford
RNS Director & Assistant ProfessorEnvironmental Studies
Office: DTB A129nshack@uvic.ca250-472-4387website

PhD (Community Ecology) 2018, University of Victoria

Area of expertise

Community ecology, ecosystem restoration, plant systems.

Nancy focuses on improving restoration knowledge and outcomes through quantitative and experimental research. Ecological restoration is increasingly viewed as an essential tool to mitigate the effects of human-induced degradation in our natural systems. Despite its importance, however, restoration outcomes are often unpredictable, and success can be difficult to achieve. Nancy's research uses theoretical concepts around functional ecology, priority effects, and resilience to understand ecological behavior in response to restoration practice. She works across relevant ecosystems, with a current focus on drylands, rangelands, and savannas, and has a particular interest in data-driven research that spans international scales.