UVic's Waste reduction hub

Over 75% of waste produced everyday at the UVic campus is diverted from the landfill through innovative recycling and composting initiatives. This achievement reflects the hard work and passion of a dedicated campus community.

However, waste diversion is only one part of our strategy, UVic's ultimate goal is to become a zero-waste institution. Our goals in the 2020-2021 Sustainability Action Plan to help us achieve this are: 


In 2019, Facilities Management expanded the waste diversion program by installing outdoor Sort-It-Out stations. These stations complement the indoor Sort-It-Out stations by providing a consolidated area for composting, recycling and waste disposal in both outdoor and indoor locations across campus. For details on these stations and accepted items, click here

Committment to Plastic Reduction

UVic is committed to reducing plastic waste and the availability of plastic on campus. The province of BC has approved bylaws banning single-use plastics for the municipalities of Victoria and Saanich that guides UVic's policy on plastic. These bans are supported by the Province's CleanBC Plastic Action Plan to prevent plastic waste, divert more waste from landfills, and create a balanced and sustainable future for everyone. 

The Office of Campus Planning and Sustainability works closely with Food Services to reduce the plastic waste in UVic's dining services and on campus:

 Keeping Track

UVic measures and tracks waste data, and specifically identifies food waste generated on campus. The university reports this every three years in the STARS report (the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System). For the upcoming 2023 report, UVic will be doing a waste audit of all waste streams on campus, in November 2022. 

For the most recently reported figures, please see the the 2020 Report.