UVic owned properties

Swans Hotel and Brewpub
Swans Brewery, Pub & Hotel


Over the years the University of Victoria has acquired a variety of properties both through strategic purchase and by generous donations from the community. These properties are best understood by seperating them into three distinct categories that reflect the type of support they offer UVic.

Core Support Properties

Jeanne S. Simpson Field Studies Resource Centre, Lake Cowichan

Jeanne S. Simpson Field Studies Resource Centre, Lake Cowichan


Cedar Hill Corner, adjacent to UVic main campus, southeast

Cedar Hill Corner, just north of McKenzie adjacent to UVic main campus

Port Alberni Shore Cable Station, Ocean Networks Canada

Port Alberni Shore Cable Station

3957 Gordon Head Road, adjacent to UVic main campus, north of McKenzie

3957 Gordon Head Road, southeast of UVic main campus

Indirect Support Properties

The University of Victoria Properties Investments Inc. (UVic Properties) was incorporated in 2004 and oversees the following properties.

Marine Technology Centre

Queenswood Campus

Financial Support Properties

UVic Properties manages all of the downtown properties received through the generous gift of Dr. Michael Williams or through subsequent acquisitions. These properties are owned by UVic or subsidiaries owned by UVic including Heritage Realty Properties (HRP). The University, through UVic Properties, manages the properties in accordance with the following:

The University of Victoria is committed to contributing to the vibrancy and future of Victoria through the management and stewardship of the real estate portfolio bequeathed by Michael Williams and other properties owned and managed by UVic.  It was Dr. Williams’ expressed desire that UVic manage this portfolio to provide an ongoing, increasing source of income to support the university’s overall educational mission.

UVic will retain ownership of a real estate portfolio in and around downtown Victoria. As Dr. Williams recognized, property ownership is a dynamic environment. This may require buying, selling and/or entering into long term leases in order to increase the ongoing value of the properties and provide benefits to both the broader community and UVic. UVic Properties is the wholly owned entity that manages UVic’s non-academic property holdings. Its goal is to enhance and grow this real estate portfolio while honoring Dr. Williams’ legacy and important contributions to the revitalization and cultural life of downtown Victoria, and his support for post-secondary education.

Swans Brewery, Pub & Hotel



Duck's Building on Broad Street

The Vancouver Island Technology Park