Accurate Psychic Readings by Nirup

Accurate Psychic Readings by Nirup Accurate Psychic Readings by Nirup

Nirup, 30 years of professional experience as a Psychic, Intuitive and Spiritual Counselor. She trained in India 7 years in a variety of healing modalities. Nirup is known for her honesty and compassion, bringing clear & accurate guidance, direction and answers to life’s questions. Whether you are looking for personal or spiritual guidance, self-development, emotional or spiritual healing, relationship healing, or knowing your next steps in life, Nirup can help. She looks forward to working with you in her serene office setting.

Psychic and Intuitive Readings | Life Path Readings | Clearing blocks, patterns, and beliefs | Spiritual Coach/Counseling | Emotional Healing | Chakra Reading | Intuitive and Psychic Development

“Nirup immediately addressed the issues that concerned me most. I came away knowing what steps I should take to further my goals. An incredible reading!” L.B., CA

“Nirup was right on and helpful to find my blocks in my relationship and to help me release them, to see things much more positively.” S.W., AZ

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