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Course registration

If you previously registered in credit courses at UVic and have been away for more than one year, you'll need to apply for readmission. You can return to your previous program or choose a new one.

Academic advising

Before you choose and register for courses, you may want to check with an academic adviser to understand your options and get on the right path toward graduation.

Academic advising

Prerequisites & corequisites

When you're picking your courses, check the academic calendar to see if it has prerequisites or corequisites.

If you don't have a required prerequisite or corequisite, you'll be dropped from the course once the term has begun.

In rare cases, the prerequisites or corequisites for a particular course may be waived. Contact the academic department to request permission. Any waivers you have been granted will show on the "Registration status" page.

Transfer credit

If you've received transfer credit for a course taken at another school and want to use it as a prerequisite, contact the academic department offering the course you want to take. Do this before you register to ensure that the prerequisite will be recognized, or you may be dropped from the course.

Duplicate & mutually exclusive courses

There are some courses you might need to take even if you won't receive credit for them. Duplicate and mutually exclusive courses may be necessary for program requirements or to satisfy minimum grade requirements.

Individually supervised courses

Individually supervised studies can be directed studies courses or regular courses that you take under individual supervision.

How to register for courses

Find step-by-step instructions on how to register for courses using Online tools.

Course changes and cancellations

If you're enrolled in classes and a change or update occurs after registration, you'll be contacted at the preferred email address in your personal profile. Individual course section updates will come directly from the academic unit offering the course.

If a course is cancelled or changed, consult your adviser to discuss any concerns about completing your program requirements.

Auditing courses

Auditing a course means attending it informally without getting academic credit. You can audit up to three units of undergraduate courses in an academic session (most courses are equivalent to 1.5 units).