nêhiyawak Language Experience launches 'How to" language guide

 Language Camp participant (photo by Sweetmoon Photography)

(Photo by Sweetmoon Photography)

IED Assistant Professor Dr. Belinda kakiyosēw Daniels is the founder and co-director of nêhiyawak Language Experience (nLE), a Cree language camp. This one of a kind camp experience has been in existence for 15 years.  

nêhiyawak Language Experience is excited to announce it has launched a FREE pdf, ‘How to’ Language Guide for starting and setting up an Indigenous Language Camp. They share all their tips and valued experience in language and land based practices. This is nLE’s way of welcoming and celebrating UNESCO’s proclaimed International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022-2032).

Dr. Belinda kakiyosēw Daniels, says, “The call for Indigenous language revitalization camps and other opportunities for Indigenous people to learn and strengthen their languages far surpasses the availability of these important resources.”

Click here to read the PRESS RELEASE

For more information go to www.nehiyawak.org or contact Dr. Belinda kakiyosēw Daniels on the website or with the University of Victoria.