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Symbolic analysis of computable functions?

I'm not entirely sure of the appropriate terminology here, so apologies if it's a bit vague.

Does Mathematica support symbolic analysis of computable functions? Can it determine whether any given computable function halts? (OK, just kidding.) For example, can it determine the statistical distribution of outcomes given an assumed distribution of inputs? The theory behind that one is in this paper:

I guess I'm wondering whether Mathematica can be used as an adjunct to existing static analysis tools that exist for various programming languages. If it could perform the probabilistic symbolic analysis described in the aforementioned paper, I would buy a copy straight away, so I'll make this into a feature request if the answer turns out to be no.

Thanks, cheers.


POSTED BY: Jeremy Murphy

PS. In case anyone misunderstands me, I don't mean that Mathematica would learn to parse other programming languages; I just mean that I could implement the same algorithm in Mathematica that I have in some other language, in order to gain novel insights into it.

POSTED BY: Jeremy Murphy
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