HSD announcements

Past, present and future Indigenous nurses celebrated

The long history and accomplishments of Indigenous nurses—past, present and future—were celebrated on Indigenous Nurses Day last week at a special event at Na-tsa-maht Gathering Place at the Camosun Lansdowne campus. The University of Victoria and Camosun College nursing program came together on April 10 to mark the historic day that celebrates the birth of Edith Monture, the first Indigenous nurse in Canada, and Rose Casper, the first Indigenous nurse in Western Canada.

HSD researchers secure health grants worth $5 million

Two research projects focused on addressing some of the most pressing issues facing our societies and planet will receive almost $5 million worth of federal funding. The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) grants were among four awarded to the University of Victoria, two of which were granted to research teams from the Faculty of Human and Social Development (HSD).

Sierra Jasper wins Island Savings staff award

A Child and Youth Care staff member who goes above and beyond in her work to support students, coworkers and faculty alike has been honoured with this year’s Island Savings HSD Staff Professional Development award. Sierra Jasper, an undergraduate program assistant in the School of Child and Youth Care (CYC), was presented the award at HSD’s Winter Party in December.

Meet Justin Brooks

Justin Brooks joined the Faculty of Human and Social Development (HSD) as director of Indigenous Initiatives in June. Before joining us, he worked at First Peoples House as the Indigenous Student Support Coordinator for Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement (IACE). Read on to find out more.

Primary care the top priority for new nurse practitioner

When Adrienne Lagura was a child in the Philippines, she’d spend time every summer with her aunt, a nurse at a local hospital. Lagura would pretend to be a patient as her aunt, Regina assessed her. She became her aunt’s study companion. Even then, Lagura felt a strong pull toward health care. This month, Lagura will be among 25 students graduating from UVic’s Master of Nursing, Nurse Practitioner (NP) program.

Budd Hall reflects on a career in community-based research

Budd Hall has spent the past 45 years championing community-based research. A professor emeritus with the School of Public Administration and a former dean of education at UVic, Hall is a UNESCO Co-Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education. In December, he was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada. Here, he talks about his work, what community-based research can offer early career academics and its increasing relevance in higher education and society.

Research excellence winners put community at heart of their work

From working with immigrant and refugee groups to empowering First Nations youth, the winners of the inaugural HSD Research Excellence Awards put communities at the heart of their research. Three faculty members were recognized at HSD Research Day in May at the University of Victoria for seeking to build just, equitable, decolonial and sustainable futures through their research.

IGov now a school

After more than two decades of nurturing the next generation of leaders, Indigenous Governance will welcome students this fall with a strengthened commitment from the university and more professors in its ranks than ever before. On this National Indigenous Peoples Day, the Faculty of Human and Social Development (HSD) is proud to announce that Indigenous Governance, a program at the University of Victoria since 1999, is now officially the seventh school within HSD.

Community youth worker earns outstanding academic distinction

Weeks after finishing her degree, Elika Yamauchi is fulfilling the kind of child and youth care work she always wanted to do. A community youth worker with RayCam Cooperative Centre, Yamauchi serves one of Canada’s most under-served neighbourhoods, the downtown eastside. At spring convocation, Yamauchi was awarded a Certificate of Outstanding Academic Distinction in the Faculty of Human and Social Development.

Giving is good

The ePAC collaborative team -- equity program in palliative approaches in care research -- are deeply grateful to have been one of eight grant recipients selected by the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights Hospitaller Victoria Commandery. This group supports projects that directly benefit people who experience inequities and that are living with chronic life-limiting illness.

Kinship Rising is an Indigenous-led research project

Kinship Rising is an Indigenous-led, community-engaged research project focused on restoring Indigenous practices of gender wellbeing and works in partnership with Indigenous young people, communities and organizations across BC through land- and arts-based research workshops on issues related to gender-based reclamation, healing and resurgence.

Tapping into tech

Dr. Alison Gerlach, associate professor with the School of Child and Youth Care, and Jason Gordon executive director with the BC Association of Child Development and Intervention have secured a research grant to gather information from families living in rural and northern regions of BC raising children with disabilities and/or medical complexities. This study is focused on their experience accessing information and communication technologies to find information, supports and services for their children’s early health, development and well-being.

Love of nursing, of people and place

When asked why she wanted to be a nurse, Lara says, “I love people. I’ve always been caring for people. It’s a big part of who I am. It’s that calling, I think. I’m passionate about learning how the body works, maintaining good health and diving into the science behind it all.”

Story, artistry and resilience

Shawna Bowler, a proud Métis woman from Winnipeg, and a UVic social work master’s graduate, was a candidate for this year’s Governor General’s gold medal award for her outstanding thesis on Indigenous women’s healing through beading methodology. Her paper, Stitching Ourselves Back Together: Urban Indigenous Women's Experience of Reconnecting With Identity Through Beadwork, is also a testament to her experiences in reconnecting with her own Métis ancestry.

My pandemic teacher

Victoria Pickles is completing her master’s degree in nursing while working with Broadmead Care, a non-profit long term care organization. For her final practicum, she worked with UVic’s School of Nursing faculty and Island Health’s Professional Practice office to plan third and fourth year undergraduate student involvement in BC’s vaccination program and COVID-19 response for the elderly.

Indigenous nurses on Indigenist nursing

The University of Victoria’s School of Nursing has made a commitment towards inclusion of Indigenous peoples and reconciliation in step with the Calls to Action of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Here, three Indigenous nurses talk about what it takes to realize that promise.

Student joins vaccination effort

Megan Fraser started a three-month nursing practicum with the Cowichan Tribes’ Ts’ewulhtun Health Centre on January 12 and worked her first drive-through vaccination clinic the very next day. Fraser, born and raised within the Cowichan Valley, has faced challenges before. True to form, she saw the beauty in this historic learning opportunity.

Reducing harms from substance use

Harms of substance use aren’t just caused by drugs, says Bernie Pauly, a research scientist and professor with the School of Nursing. “They are caused by policies, laws and social dimensions of health, and we are working towards adding in or creating metrics that will get at some of those factors.” Metrics include discrimination in housing policies, experiences of racism, distance to services of different kinds, or per capita police spending.

Return to well-being

Nick Claxton wants to teach youth how to build community, find themselves and enjoy a healthy life through land- and water-based knowledge and healing. As part of his doctoral research, Claxton (BSc ’00, MA ’03, PhD ’15) brought back his Tsawout First Nation traditional reef-net fishing practice to empower and reconnect his community. Elders, youth, families and community members came together around the SX̱OLE project. Children learned about the history and practice of the SX̱OLE. Youth and elders designed and built the reef net and planned the journey to their hereditary fishing grounds near Pender Island. Even old relationships with other nations were rekindled.

From doubt to transformation

Madison Wells, master's graduate with the School of Public Health and Social Policy, talks of learning about cultural safety, how one’s identity is shaped by society, what it really means to ‘unpack white privilege’ and the value of studying diverse perspectives. “These studies set me up to open my mind. I was not conscious of it at the start, but I came to see that this learning was preparing me, putting me in a good place to learn more and to remain humble.”

Jasmine Dionne has received a $180,000 Trudeau scholarship

Growing up, Dionne knew her Metis and Cree upbringing was unlike those of her non-Indigenous neighbours—but it was only when she was older that she found out her community was in the midst of an epidemic. The effects of gendered violence—missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit peoples (MMIWG2S)—were rippling across the country.

HSD Teaching Award

Congratulations to Devi Mucina (third from left), director of our Indigenous Governance Program, who was awarded the 2019 HSD Award for Teaching Excellence and Education Leadership. Helping him mark the occasion are students, alum and Mrs. Mucina (second from left), assistant professor with our School of Child and Youth care. From l to r: Erynne Gilpin, Mandeep Mucina, Devi Mucina, Josh Ngenda, Parker Johnson and Ariel Reyes Antuan

HSD annual review

Through learning and teaching, mentorship and support, we collectively prepare the next generation for careers across the health and governance sectors. Written in between the lines of our annual report is a shared vision—to lead in the generation and mobilization of knowledge for social change, health and well-being.

Download the 2019-2020 annual review - 3.4 MB, 32 pgs

Download the 2018-2019 annual review - 1.69 MB, 28 pgs