Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility in Admissions

We welcome and are actively recruiting applicants from communities that experience historical and present-day systemic discrimination and marginalization, and who are committed to social justice, equity, anti-racism and decolonization. Why? Because true equity means that lawyers and the Canadian legal system should reflect the people and communities they represent.

Admission streams

In our admission decisions, our holistic approach takes into consideration not only LSAT and GPA, but who you are are as a person.

The different admission categories below provide opportunities for everyone to find a pathway to law school. Each application goes through a holistic review. 

Equity & Diversity Survey

At UVic Law, we care deeply about equity, diversity and inclusivity in our student body, legal education and the legal profession. Diversity requires acceptance and respect. We understand that each individual is unique and we value your individual differences. Learn more about our equity & diversity survey.

Student Support

The Amicus program is a unique UVic Law student support initiative that plays an active role in engaging, advising and supporting you during your law school journey. There are four overlapping components in the program:

  • Academic support & mentorship
  • Cultural support
  • Personal support
  • Accommodation support 

We have also just launched the Black Professionals Leadership Program, which matches students with faculty and professional mentors and provides workshops to enhance educational and professional skills. 


    • Joseph Arvay Social Justice Award – $1,000
    • Harper Grey LLP Diversity Award – $1,000
    • Life in Law Diversity Award – $1,000
    • One Heart for Reconciliation Award – Value varies
  • JD Bridges Foundation offers bursaries to promote the pursuit of legal education for Black students in Canada. (Not part of UVic)

Law Student Clubs

This year there are 25 different student clubs, many of which have been created to support BIPOC students:

Opportunities to make a difference

At UVic Law we have experiential learning opportunities, clubs and research centres that allow students to really make an impact. 

Contact us

We have a large and devoted team of staff and faculty to assist you through your law school journey. We know that law school is tough, and we are committed to removing as many barriers as we can to help you have a successful and enriching experience here at UVic Law. 

Please reach out to any member of our support team below if you have further questions: