Events and exhibits

Each year, UVic Libraries hosts events and exhibits to showcase the knowledge and talents within the Libraries and UVic community. Check this page for details about our current exhibits and upcoming events.

Pronoun Button-Making

June 24 – 28, 2024, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Mearns – McPherson Library lobby

Join us to create your own pronoun pin! Library staff will be there to help.

Colourful poster with rainbows and pins describing our Pride Month pronoun pin event

Untitled ṮEṮÁĆES 

Exhibit featuring circular walls with illuminated carvings on the outside and silhouettes of islands on the horizons on the inside, large enough to for a small group to stand inside.

January 8 – July 8, 2024

Mearns – McPherson Library main floor

The Untitled ṮEṮÁĆES is a haptic map and interactive art installation that combines SENĆOŦEN and English language toponyms to teach Indigenous and non-Indigenous place names. Featuring lands in W̱SÁNEĆ Territory (also known as the Saanich Peninsula) the map is intended to represent the landscape aesthetically in some way, but without the typical Western Anglo, or cartographic marks like roads, signs, and borders. Through interaction with the map’s haptic elements, and by engaging physically and creatively with its artistic topography, participants can hear and learn place names in unconventional ways.

The installation was built collaboratively between TEMOSEṈ Chazz Elliott, Kim Shortreed, Matthew Parlby-Elliott, Ben Olsen, and Jesse Campbell. 

Learn more about Untitled ṮEṮÁĆES.

Summer Reading Book Bingo

Summer 2024

Ask Us Desk

Love pizza? Love reading? Visit the Ask Us desk this summer and pick up a Book Bingo Card.

When you finish reading a book, see us to receive a stamp on your bingo card. For every bingo line you get, you will be entered in a draw for a free large pizza at the end of the summer!

Fun poster with images of pizza and reading describing the Summer Reading Book Bingo event

tr̓ar̓ iʔ sʕax̌ʷip - interwoven roots

Exhibit displaying art in multiple media, including a dress, photographs, and animal masks

April 2, 2024 – March 31, 2025

Legacy Maltwood Gallery (lower level of Mearns – McPherson Library)

Inspired by childhood memories shared by Elder Jane Stelkia of the Osoyoos Indian Band, tr̓ar̓ iʔ sʔax̌ʷip explores the artistic and cultural legacy of a group of sukʷnaʔqinx (Okanagan) youth who attended the Inkameep Day School on the Osoyoos Indian Reserve in the Okanagan Valley during the World War II era.

Members of the Osoyoos Indian Band featuring Taylor Baptiste, Jenna Bower, Jordan Polychroniou, Sheri Stelkia, and Dora Stelkia, join Smyth Chair in Arts & Engagement, Andrea Walsh, in an exploration of contemporary photographic/sculptural installation, Indigenous curatorial practice, language revitalization, and creative research methods that deepen our understanding of history, and provide vital points of departure for cultural revitalization and growth.