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Funding enhances climate policy modelling

Every policy decision today shapes our path to a sustainable future. But how do we ensure we're making the right choices? That's where Clean Prosperity Foundation steps in. The Canadian climate policy organization that supports environmental economic research is injecting $2.5 million into expanding energy modelling work at the University of Victoria. The project—named Open Insights—combines innovative modelling techniques with broad engagement to help guide decision-making during Canada’s sustainable energy system transition. The investment will fund a team of post-doctoral research analysts, graduate students and software developers to build a sophisticated suite of data sources, models and visualizations.

The Importance of Community Engagement in Marine Renewable Energy Decision Making

Issues addressed include: Impact of public support for future local Marine Renewable Energy development; Impact of ‘trust’ on support for local Marine Renewable Energy developments; Power dynamics within small island communities, the impact on local decision making and the transition to a low-carbon energy system; Recommendations for community engagement in Marine Renewable Energy decision-making.