Graduate studies

UVic archaeology and cultural anthropology grad students together near W̱MÍYEŦEN, an Indigenous cultural landscape.
UVic archaeology and cultural anthropology grad students together near W̱MÍYEŦEN, an Indigenous cultural landscape.

Graduate studies in anthropology

Our MA and PhD program in anthropology at the University of Victoria offers a research-intensive experience with exceptional fieldwork and lab-based opportunities.

Our graduate coursework enriches students experience through our innovative integrative themes (see below), which connect insights across the traditional subfields of anthropology.

Through thematic coursework and research-intensive thesis and dissertation work, our students gain a deep exposure to key theoretical and methodological insights, revealing the best of contemporary anthropology.

For more details about our graduate program see our Anthropology Graduate Handbook 2023-24

Find a supervisor

Contact faculty whose research interests you and ask about doing your degree with them. Our faculty are working around the world — check out our fieldwork map to see what they are up to.

How to apply

Annual application deadline is January 15.  See How to apply for more information.

Our integrative research areas

Evolution and Ecology

evolution ecology photo

This research theme connects the traditional subfields of archaeology and biological anthropology to address questions of how humans and non-human primates relate to their environments over both short and long-term time scales.

Learn more: Evolution and ecology

Space, Place, Knowledge and Power

space place knowledge power photo

This research theme works across anthropological and archaeological approaches to see the significance of social spaces, meaningful places and the situated nature of knowledge, through ideas of belonging, cultural landscapes, displacement, borders, land tenure, and built environments—in shaping human life.

Learn more: Space, place, knowledge and power

Culture, Health and Inequality

inequality culture health photo

This research theme recognizes the significance of understanding the role of social inequality and cultural interpretations in shaping human experience and addressing pressing global issues.

Learn more: Culture, health & inequality

Visual Anthropology and Materiality


This research theme connects the work of visual and cultural anthropologists with archaeologists who are investigating human visual communication and the cultural effects of the production, circulation and consumption of images and objects.

Learn more: Visual Anthropology and materiality