The Beg Rohu Summer School of Physics

Enseignant(s) Giulio BIROLI ( ENS-PSL ) Contact :

b e g r o h u @ c e a . f r

Concepts and Methods of Statistical Physics 

3-15 June 2024 

3-15 June 2024 

Concepts and Methods of Statistical Physics 

L. Canet: TBA

P. Sollich:  TBA

R. Speicher:  TBA

M. Tarzia:  TBA

W. Krauth: TBA

TBAIt takes place at the French National Sailing School (Ecole Nationale de Voile), located on the site of Beg Rohu, in the village Saint Pierre Quiberon , on the peninsula of Quiberon in southern Brittany. 

Every year it gathers together 50 participants: half PhD students and half young and confirmed researchers. The aim of the school is twofold: providing for the participants a solid and advanced knowledge of main topics in statistical physics and condensed matter, but also giving rise to interactions between confirmed researchers. Ideally, the outcome of each session is a boost in the research subjects covered by the lectures both because of the excellent training and of the emergence of fruitful interactions between participants. To this aim, each lecture progressively goes from the basics to the current research edge. Lectures and professors are chosen so that the topic of the session is tackled from different points of view; questions and answers sessions are organized in order to foster interactions between students and lecturers.

Lecturers are chosen both for the important role they played in the development of the research subjects covered at the school and their pedagogical capability. Lessons are all given on blackboard (except for showing experimental curves, movies, etc).

The Beg Rohu Summer School is run by the Physics Department of ENS Paris and affiliated to the Institute of theoretical physics of CEA.

The Beg Rohu Summer School  HomeAimsInformationSailingHistoryApply


Topics and lectures of previous sessions

2022 - Out of Equilibrium Dynamics

E. Agoritsas: Driven Disordered Systems
B. Derrida: Systems of Particles in Non-Equilibrium Physics 
A. Nahum: Out of Equilibrium Dynamics and Quantum Circuits
V. Vitelli: Hydrodynamics and Phase Transitions in Active Matter 

2021 - Statistical Mechanics and Emergent Phenomena in Biology

N. Brunel: Models of Memory in Networks of Neurons
A. Cavagna: Collective Behaviour in Biological Systems 
S. Ganguli: Complex Neural Dynamics and High-Dimensional Data Analysis
F. van Wijland: Methods for Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics 

2019 - Glasses, Jamming, and Slow Dynamics

L. Berthier: Glass transition and amorphous solids 
A. Liu: The jamming transition and the marginally jammed state 
E. Vanden-Eijnden: Stochastic dynamics, rare events and large deviations 
F. Zamponi: Theory of the glass and jamming transitions in infinite dimensions 

2018 - Deep Neural Networks and Statistical Physics

G. Ben Arous: Complexity of random landscapes 
L. Bottou: Training Deep Networks with Stochastic Gradient Algorithms 
J. Kurchan: Rugged phase-spaces and the dynamics within them 
S. Mallat: Learning Physics with Multiscale Deep Neural Networks
M. Mézard: Statistical physics of inference 
H. Sompolinsky: Statistical Mechanics of Deep Neural Networks

2017 - Out of Equilibrium Dynamics, Evolution and Genetics

L.F. Cugliandolo: Out of Equilibrium Dynamics of Complex Systems 
D.S. Fisher: Evolutionary Dynamics of Large Populations 
Y.V. Fyodorov: Counting Equilibria in Complex Systems via Random Matrices 
D.R. Nelson: Population Genetics in Space and Time

2016 - Concepts and Methods of Statistical Physics

B. Derrida: Fisher KPP Equation and Applications 
Y. Kafri: Statistics of Rare Events and Large Deviations 
A. Montanari: Selected Topics in Machine Learning 
S. Redner: Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics 
C. Wetterich: Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group 

2015 - Statistical Physics, Biology, Inference and Networks

W. Bialek: Statistical Mechanics for Real Biological Networks 
J.-P. Bouchaud: Random Matrix Theory and Big Data Cleaning 
M. Lässig: Current Challenges in Statistical Genetics 
C. Moore: Physics, Computation, Phase Transitions, and Networks 
P. Vivo: Random Matrices - Theory and Practice 

2014 - Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Active Matter

I. Giardina: Collective Behaviour in Animal Groups 
C. Godrèche: Statistics of Persistence in Nonequilibrium Systems and Beyond 
C. Jarzynski: Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Small Systems 
J. Kurchan: Out of Equilibrium: Transient, Driven, Conditioned 
S. Ramaswamy: Active Matter: Mechanics, Statistics, Hydrodynamics 

2013 - Disordered Systems

B. Altshuler: Anderson Localization and Beyond 
G. Ben Arous: Universal Features of Slow Dynamics in Random Media 
S. Majumdar: Random Matrix Theory and its Applications
G. Parisi: Mean-Field theory of Glassy Systems and Beyond

2012 - Glass and Jamming Transitions

S. Nagel: Jamming and Granular Matter 
G. Semerjian: Glassy Aspects of Optimization Problems 
G. Szamel: Slow and Glassy Dynamics
G. Tarjus: An Overview of the Glass Transition

2011 - Statistical Physics and Complex Systems

J.-P. Bouchaud: Statistical Physics Approaches to Economics and Finance 
P. Diaconis: The Mathematics of Mixing Things Up 
M. Mézard: Information, Physics, and Computation
M. Vergassola: Statistical Physics for Biological Systems

2010 - Concepts and Methods of Statistical Mechanics

G. Biroli: Statistical Dynamics
J.-S. Caux: Integrable Models in Atomic and Condensed Matter Physics 
B. Delamotte: Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group
W. Krauth: Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations

2009 - Quantum physics out of equilibrium

N. Andrei: Out of equilibrium quantum impurities and the Bethe Ansatz
L. F. Cugliandolo: Slow dynamics of quantum and classical systems
C. Kollath Quantum dynamics, cold atoms and numerical methods
A. J. Millis: Non-equilibrium impurity models and quantum phase transitions
O. Parcollet: Methods for quantum many body problems out of equilibrium

2008 - Manifolds in random media, random matrices and extreme value statistics

J.-P. Bouchaud: Rare events and extreme value statistics 
P. Ferrari: Random matrices and related problems 
P. Le Doussal: Pinning of elastic objects in random media 
S. Majumdar: Extreme statistics for correlated variables

An atypical summer school

The Beg Rohu summer school was born in 1984, because of the passion of its organizer for both physics and sailing. These two worlds, which both require hard work, thinking and concentration, met on the peninsula of Quiberon where lectures on statistical mechanics were given during one month every summer. Along the years, the school acquired the nickname "Beg Rohu" because of its location at the French National Sailing School. This summer school took place until 1997.

The participants

PhD students, postdocs, young and senior researchers are all welcome to apply to the Beg Rohu school. A proportion of half PhD students and half young and confirmed researchers would be ideal for allowing both pedagogical lectures and dynamic interactions.

The lectures and the professors

The aim of the school is twofold: providing for the participants a solid and advanced knowledge of main topics in statistical physics and condensed matter, but also giving rise to interactions between confirmed researchers. Ideally, the outcome of each session will be a boost in the research subjects covered by the lectures both because of the excellent training and of the emergence of fruitful interactions between participants. To this aim, each lecture progressively goes from the basics to the current research edge. Lectures and professors are chosen so that the topic of the session is tackled from different points of view; questions and answers sessions are organized in order to foster interactions between students and lecturers.

Lecturers are chosen both for the important role they played in the development of the research subjects covered at the school and their pedagogical capability. Lessons will be all given on blackboard (except for showing experimental curves, movies, etc).

The French National Sailing School

The French National Sailing School (Ecole Nationale de Voile), located on the site of Beg Rohu, in Saint Pierre Quiberon, is devoted to the training of sailing teams at the national and regional levels and to the professional training of future sailing teachers. It also has a department of research and development.


Sailing lessons will take place in the afternoon from 1.30 pm to 5 pm. Several types of courses are planned: 8 meters sailing boat, catamaran, dinghy, windsurf and surf. The French National Sailing school will provide the instructors and the boats. Participants wishing to attend sailing courses will have to pay a participation fee of 150 euros (other than the summer school tuition of 1200 euros).

Next Program Statistical Physics of Complex Systems5 - 17 June 2023 Co-organisers: C. Cammarota and M. Tarzia

F. Bouchet: Statistical Physics Applied to Climate Dynamics
Y. Fyodorov: SuSy Approach to Random Matrices: an Introduction
M. Mézard: Statistical Physics of Inference
G. Schehr: Extreme Statistics of Strongly Correlated Variables
L. Zdeborová: Statistical Physics of Computation

Seminars: J.-P. Bouchaud, M. Gabrié


Applications are closed. The selection of participants will take place at the end of April. Applicants will be informed shortly after.

We will run the Beg Rohu summer school taking all the appropriate health measures that will be needed to guarantee a safe environment, in particular all students will have a single room and the lecture room will have a good aeration system. All participants will be required to have completed their World Health Organization-approved vaccination schedule two weeks before the school or earlier.



Giulio Biroli 
The Beg Rohu summer school, 
24 rue Lhomond 
75005 Paris, FRANCE


b e g r o h u @ c e a . f r