Graduate Diploma in Ethics and Public Affairs (EPAF)

Students in Carleton’s Graduate Diploma in Ethics and Public Affairs (EPAF) will gain a comprehensive understanding of ethical options for solving particular public issues in many different areas.

What makes our program unique is that it combines ethical analysis with social science. Ethics and Public Affairs students are taught and supervised collaboratively by philosophers who research public issues along with social science and public policy specialists interested in the values underlying those issues. The guiding framework is public reason – the idea that the exercise of power must be justifiable to the people over whom it is exercised.

Career Opportunities

The EPAF diplomas are additional credentials that enhance graduates’ qualifications for a range of positions in government and civil society, in the private sector, or as independent consultants. Being able to assess ethical risks before they become political risks can be a valuable asset to governments, corporations, and to civil society ‘watchdog’ organizations. In addition, government departments and ministries, as well as corporations, now commonly include ethics offices that oversee ethics programs for their managers and employees. These people identify ethical risks, develop strategies and implement plans to foster a respectful workplace.

Capital Advantage

As the national capital, Ottawa offers an array of learning and professional opportunities, complemented by ready access to government departments and agencies, parliamentary institutions, media and non-governmental organizations. Today, all of these groups are grappling with ethical questions and the best ways to handle them. Practicum courses will allow EPAF students to gain valuable work experience in government and civil society or as consultants.

To find out how to apply for this graduate diploma program, visit the Graduate Admissions website and click on Apply Online Now.

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