Carleton University, through its administrative and academic units, routinely provides information to the public. It is not always required to make an official access request for information which can be released to the public routinely.

Informal Process

Begin the process for requesting information with an informal request to the department you believe may hold the information required. Describe the records requested to the personnel in the Department. You will be assisted in your request and told whether the information is readily available or if you will be required to submit a formal request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

Formal Process

When an informal request to access information is denied, a formal application can be made under FIPPA. Your application must be in writing. You may fill out this request form or draft your own request in writing. Submit your signed formal application for the requested records with the required $5.00 application fee to Carleton’s Privacy Office.

You may also request to view or make changes to your personal information held by Carleton University. Generally a request to access your information is required before a request to change your personal information is submitted. For both an access request and a change to personal information request, please make sure to note the following:

FIPPA Reading Room

Copies of requested documents can be provided to you, but if you wish to view the original documents you will be contacted for an appointment to view them in the FIPPA reading room.

Appeal Procedure

An applicant may request the Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner to review any decision made by the University that relates to a request for access or correction. Your appeal must be sent within 30 days from the date of receipt of the letter denying your request. Make your appeal by writing to:

Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario
2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400
Toronto, Ontario  M4W 1A8

Provide the Commissioner’s office with:

The appeal must be accompanied by the appropriate fee. Fees vary according to the nature of the request being appealed as follows:

If you have any questions about the access or appeal process, please do not hesitate to contact Carleton’s Privacy Office.