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gives a Tree object from the structure of the expression expr.


gives a Tree object from the expression expr with data and subtrees as specified by struct.

Details and Options


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Basic Examples  (4)

Construct a tree from the structure of an expression:

Include heads:

Specify the structure to use:

Construct a tree from symbolic XML:

Construct a tree from an unevaluated expression:

Construct a tree from nested associations:

Scope  (14)

Arbitrary Expressions  (6)

"HeadTrees"  (1)

If AtomQ[head] gives True, then ExpressionTree[head[arg1,arg2,…],"HeadTrees"] gives a tree with root containing head and with children given by the ExpressionTree[argi,"HeadTrees"]:

If AtomQ[head] gives False, then ExpressionTree[head[arg1,arg2,…],"HeadTrees"] gives a tree with root containing ExpressionTree[head,"HeadTrees"] rather than head:

Include heads:

ExpressionTree[atom,"HeadTrees"] gives a leaf containing the atomic expression atom:

"Heads"  (1)

ExpressionTree[head[arg1,arg2,…],"Heads"] gives a tree with root containing head and with children given by the ExpressionTree[argi,"Heads"]:

Include heads:

ExpressionTree[atom,"Heads"] gives a leaf containing the atomic expression atom:

"Subexpressions"  (1)

ExpressionTree[expr0[expr1,expr2,…],"Subexpressions"] gives a tree with root containing expr0[expr1,expr2,…] and with children given by the ExpressionTree[expri,"Subexpressions"]:

Include heads:

ExpressionTree[atom,"Subexpressions"] gives a leaf containing the atomic expression atom:

"Atoms"  (1)

ExpressionTree[expr0[expr1,expr2,…],"Atoms"] gives a tree with children given by the ExpressionTree[expri,"Atoms"]:

Include heads:

ExpressionTree[atom,"Atoms"] gives a leaf containing the atomic expression atom:

Null  (1)

ExpressionTree[expr0[expr1,expr2,…],Null] gives a tree with children given by the ExpressionTree[expri,Null]:

Include heads:

ExpressionTree[atom,Null] gives a leaf containing Null for an atomic expression atom:

None  (1)

ExpressionTree[expr,None] gives a leaf containing expr:

Common Expressions  (1)

"XML"  (1)

Construct a tree from symbolic XML:

Nested Lists and Associations  (3)

"List"  (1)

Construct a tree from nested lists:

"Association"  (1)

Construct a tree from nested associations:

"Dataset"  (1)

Construct a tree from nested lists and associations:

Nested Rules  (4)

"Rules"  (1)

Construct a tree from nested rules:

"JSON"  (1)

Construct a tree from JSON rules:

"RawJSON"  (1)

Construct a tree from JSON associations:

"FileSystem"  (1)

Construct a tree from a nested association with file names as keys:

Options  (11)

Heads  (2)

With the default option setting HeadsFalse, heads of expressions are not included as part of any level:

With HeadsTrue, heads are included just like other elements of expressions:

Structures for arbitrary expressions do not include heads by default:

Include heads:

Styling Individual Tree Elements  (2)

Specify the label for the generated tree element:

Specify labels and styles for subtrees by position:

Styling Entire Tree  (4)

Specify labels and styles for all subtrees:

Specify the base style:

Specify the style for both the edges and the edges of the tree elements:

Specify the base style and styles for individual tree elements:

Tree Layout and Graphics Options  (3)

Specify the orientation for the root:

Specify a named embedding:

Specify Graphics options:

Applications  (1)

Construct a tree from the structure of a complicated antiderivative:

Properties & Relations  (15)

Construct a tree from an expression:

Get back the original expression:

Transform a tree into an expression:

Transform the resulting expression back into a tree:

Construct trees from groupings of a list:

With the default structure "HeadTrees", ExpressionTree constructs a tree with subtrees containing data giving the tree structure of the heads of subexpressions:

The structure "Heads" gives a tree representing the same data as "HeadTrees", but with subtrees containing the heads of subexpressions themselves:

ExpressionTree[expr,"Heads"] gives output similar to TreeForm[expr]:

The structure "Subexpressions" gives a tree with the same shape as the one given by "Heads", but with data containing the subexpressions themselves rather than their heads:

The subtrees of the tree on level n correspond to the parts of the expression on level n, excluding heads:

Include heads:

The structure "Atoms" gives a tree with the same shape as the one given by "Subexpressions", but storing data only in the leaf nodes:

The structure Null gives a tree with the same shape but no data:

Construct a tree from the heads in an expression:

Use TreeFold to insert a parent node above each subtree:

This corresponds to mapping on the arguments in an expression:

Map maps on the arguments in an expression by default:

Construct a tree from the atoms in an expression:

Use TreeFold to insert a sibling node before each subtree:

This corresponds to mapping on the subexpressions in an expression:

Map maps on the subexpressions in an expression with HeadsTrue:

Construct a tree from the heads in an expression:

TreeMap maps on the data of subtrees in a tree:

This corresponds to mapping on the heads and leaves in an expression:

Map can map on the heads and leaves directly:

Construct a tree from the atoms in an expression:

TreeMap can map on the data of just the leaves in a tree:

This corresponds to mapping on the atoms in an expression:

Map can map on the atoms in an expression directly:

Depth[expr] is equivalent to TreeDepth[ExpressionTree[expr]]+1:

Depth[expr,HeadsTrue] is equivalent to TreeDepth[ExpressionTree[expr,"Subexpressions"]]+1:

ExpressionTree evaluates subexpressions before constructing the tree:

Use Unevaluated to defer evaluation of subexpressions until after the tree is constructed:

Held structures ensure that subexpressions are wrapped in HoldForm to prevent all evaluation:

Show the HoldComplete wrappers:

Construct a tree from an inactive expression:

Wolfram Research (2021), ExpressionTree, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ExpressionTree.html (updated 2022).


Wolfram Research (2021), ExpressionTree, Wolfram Language function, https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ExpressionTree.html (updated 2022).


Wolfram Language. 2021. "ExpressionTree." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2022. https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ExpressionTree.html.


Wolfram Language. (2021). ExpressionTree. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ExpressionTree.html


@misc{reference.wolfram_2024_expressiontree, author="Wolfram Research", title="{ExpressionTree}", year="2022", howpublished="\url{https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ExpressionTree.html}", note=[Accessed: 18-May-2024 ]}


@online{reference.wolfram_2024_expressiontree, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={ExpressionTree}, year={2022}, url={https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ExpressionTree.html}, note=[Accessed: 18-May-2024 ]}
