Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

The Wolfram Solution for Biological Sciences

The Wolfram biological sciences solution offers a complete workflow—from data import to high-powered analysis, through modeling and simulation—while providing the most automated development and deployment environment available.

Curated genome, protein and other data ready for computation can be directly obtained from the Wolfram Knowledgebase for ease and accuracy of calculations.

Wolfram technologies include thousands of built-in functions and curated data on many topics that let you:

Studying glycolytic oscillations in yeast cells with Wolfram System Modeler
Simulating the behavior of organisms and instantly visualizing the results

Does your current tool set have these advantages?

Analyzing processes in the glucose-insulin system with Wolfram System Modeler
Investigating epidemic dynamics using built-in differential equation, statistical and graphing tools

Wolfram technologies include thousands of built-in functions for computation, modeling, visualization, development and deployment »

Biological sciences specific capabilities:

Wolfram System Modeler is the most complete physical modeling and simulation tool for high-fidelity modeling. With System Modeler, you can:

Piecing Together the Puzzle: Solving Life's Solar Battery with Mathematica
Piecing Together the Puzzle: Solving Life's Solar Battery with Mathematica
"Wolfram technology is an indispensable puzzle-solving tool for biological sciences, which are becoming increasingly more quantitative." Melih SenerBiophysicist, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Modeling the Fight against Flu: Researching Medication Strategies with Mathematica
Modeling the Fight against Flu: Researching Medication Strategies with Mathematica
"As more data about this outbreak becomes available, we can instantly import it, redo our calculations and get better results. Then, we can improve predictions and design better control policies." Zhilan FengProfessor of Mathematics, Purdue University
Prescription for Savings: Mathematica Powers Efficiency in Drug Trials
Prescription for Savings: Mathematica Powers Efficiency in Drug Trials
"It's a remarkably diverse collection of functionalities.... You're stunned by the things it can do. It's my desert-island application." David DeBrotaSenior Clinical Research Physician
Eye on Cancer Prevention: Precision Diagnosis with Mathematica
Eye on Cancer Prevention: Precision Diagnosis with Mathematica
"Wolfram technologies allow easy integration and evaluation of different kinds of imaging algorithms." Richard ScottCDx Laboratories

Organizations Using Wolfram Technologies

Brookhaven National Laboratory CNRS Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research Merck Oak Ridge National Laboratory RIKEN

Consulting Solutions

Enlist the world’s computation experts to help with your project—any size, any level. At Wolfram, we know what’s possible with computational technology because we are global leaders in creating it. That gives us an unprecedented depth of expertise in applying it to consulting work in a variety of fields. Whether individual or enterprise, from concept to deployment, our computation experts can help you achieve robust results with less time and effort. Get us started with your project today