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CUDALink allows the Wolfram Language to use the CUDA parallel computing architecture on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). It contains functions that use CUDA-enabled GPUs to boost performance in a number of areas, such as linear algebra, financial simulation, and image processing. CUDALink also integrates CUDA with existing Wolfram Language development tools, allowing a high degree of automation and control.


CUDAQ — determine whether CUDALink is supported

CUDAInformation — enumerate all device information

CUDADriverVersion — give video driver version

$CUDADeviceCount — number of devices on system

$CUDALinkPath — path to the CUDALink application

$CUDADevice — device used in CUDALink computation

Resource Installation

CUDAResourcesInformation — give information on installed CUDA resources

Image Processing


CUDAImageConvolve — convolve images with specified kernel

CUDABoxFilter — apply the box filter on images


CUDADilation — apply morphological dilation on images

CUDAErosion — apply morphological erosion on images

CUDAOpening — apply morphological opening on images

CUDAClosing — apply morphological closing on images

Binary Operations

CUDAImageAdd — add two images

CUDAImageSubtract — subtract two images

CUDAImageMultiply — multiply two images

CUDAImageDivide — divide two images

CUDAClamp — clamp values of an image between a specified range

CUDAColorNegate — invert an image

Data Types

CUDAVector — a vector of data which resides on a CUDA enabled GPU

CUDAMatrix — a matrix of data which resides on a CUDA enabled GPU

CUDASparseVector — a sparse vector of data which resides on a CUDA enabled GPU

CUDASparseMatrix — a sparse matrix of data which resides on a CUDA enabled GPU

Fourier Transform

CUDAFourier — find the Fourier transform

CUDAInverseFourier — find the inverse Fourier transform

Linear Algebra

CUDADot — give the product of vectors and matrices

CUDATranspose — transpose input matrix

CUDAArgMaxList — give the index with maximum absolute element

CUDAArgMinList — give the index with minimum absolute element

CUDATotal — give the total of the absolute values of a vector


CUDAMemory — handle to CUDA memory registered using CUDAMemoryLoad or CUDAMemoryAllocate

CUDAMemoryLoad — load Wolfram System memory into CUDALink returning CUDAMemory

CUDAMemoryAllocate — allocate memory for CUDALink returning CUDAMemory

CUDAMemoryGet — copy CUDAMemory to the Wolfram System

CUDAMemoryUnload — unload and delete a CUDAMemory handle

CUDAMemoryInformation — get CUDAMemory handle information

CUDAMemoryCopyToHost — copy CUDAMemory from GPU to CPU

CUDAMemoryCopyToDevice — copy CUDAMemory from CPU to GPU

Executing Code

CUDAFunction — handle to CUDA function loaded using CUDAFunctionLoad

CUDAFunctionLoad — load CUDAFunction into the Wolfram System

CUDAFunctionInformation — get CUDAFunction information


NVCCCompiler — compile code using the NVIDIA CUDA compiler

CUDACCompilers — give a list of supported C compilers installed on the system

Symbolic CUDA

SymbolicCUDAFunction — symbolic representation of a CUDA function

SymbolicCUDABlockIndex — symbolic representation of a block index CUDA call

SymbolicCUDAThreadIndex — symbolic representation of a thread index CUDA call

SymbolicCUDABlockDimension — symbolic representation of a block dimensions CUDA call

SymbolicCUDACalculateKernelIndex — symbolic representation of a CUDA index calculation

SymbolicCUDADeclareIndexBlock — symbolic representation of a CUDA index declaration


CUDAFinancialDerivative — financial option valuation

CUDAMap — apply a function to each element on an input list

CUDASort — sort input elements

CUDAFold — fold input elements

CUDAFoldList — fold input elements into a list

CUDAVolumetricDataRead — read raw volumetric data to be rendered

CUDAVolumetricRender — render volumetric data read

CUDAFluidDynamics — compute and render a fluid dynamics simulation
