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R is a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. RLink is a Wolfram System application that uses JLink and RJava / JRI Java libraries to link to the R functionality. It allows the user to communicate the data between the Wolfram Language and R, and execute R code from within the Wolfram Language.


InstallR — launches R runtime and connects it to Wolfram System session

UninstallR — uninstalls R runtime

Core Data Types

ToRForm — converts an expression to an internal (full) representation used by RLink

FromRForm — converts an expression from an internal RLink representation to a more convenient shorter one

RNull  ▪  RVector  ▪  RList  ▪  RObject  ▪  RAttributes  ▪  RCode  ▪  REnvironment  ▪  RFunction

RLink Data Type Extension System

RDataTypeRegister — registers an extended data type definition with RLink

RDataTypeUnregister — unregisters an extended data type

RDataTypeDefinitionsReload — dynamically reloads all available extended data type definitions, making their current versions available in the current RLink session

$RDataTypePath — stores the path (list of directories) where RDataTypeDefinitionsReload looks for extended type definitions

RDataTypeRegisteredQ — tests whether or not an extended data type with a given name is currently registered with RLink

RTypeOfHighLevelExpression — returns the name of the data type, an instance of which is represented by a given expression (high-level representation)

RTypeOfLowLevelExpression — returns the name of the data type, an instance of which is represented by a given expression (low-level representation)

Data Exchange and R Code Evaluation

RSet — transfers Wolfram System data to R and assigns it to a variable or R expression

REvaluate — evaluates a piece of code in R and gets the result back into the Wolfram System

RFunction — evaluates an R function on Wolfram Language expressions passed as arguments and returns the result as a Wolfram Language expression
