01 200 41 70 9.47655L117.294 4.93438L117.292 4.93438ZM129.84 17.1214C129.84 14.1835 128.368 11.9804 125.156 11.1122L125.156 11.0455C127.733 9.97731 128.602 7.8409 128.602 5.80385C128.602 2.16384 126.059 0.0274306 120.773 0.0274306L111.806 0.0274306L111.806 23.7319L122.245 23.7319C127.331 23.7319 129.84 20.9274 129.84 17.1214Z" fill="#FECC00" /> 51 9.91066 50.8462 8.80715C49.796 7.70364 48.3334 7.15189 46.4582 7.15189C45.4303 7.15189 44.4704 7.35193 43.5774 7.75332C42.6843 8.15472 41.9026 8.74439 41.2321 9.52495L41.1654 9.52495L41.1654 7.41861L36.7774 7.41861L36.7774 23.7307L36.776 23.732ZM62.7021 24C63.7523 24 64.6885 23.8104 65.5161 23.4313C66.3424 23.0521 67.0351 22.4951 67.5929 21.7603L67.6938 21.7603L67.6938 23.732L71.8474 23.732L71.8474 7.41992L67.4934 7.41992L67.4934 9.25823L67.3926 9.25823C66.2311 7.854 64.6336 7.15189 62.6026 7.15189C61.1504 7.15189 59.8383 7.51406 58.6663 8.2384C57.4944 8.96274 56.5725 9.96557 55.9021 11.2469C55.2316 12.5282 54.8977 13.9821 54.8977 15.6086C54.8977 17.2351 55.2329 18.7165 55.9021 19.9874C56.5712 21.2582 57.4983 22.2441 58.682 22.9462C59.8645 23.6483 61.2054 23.9987 62.7008 23.9987L62.7021 24ZM63.5061 20.0893C62.2778 20.0893 61.2722 19.6775 60.4917 18.8525C59.71 18.0288 59.3198 16.9579 59.3198 15.6439C59.3198 14.2619 59.7218 13.1532 60.5258 12.3177C61.3298 11.4822 62.3341 11.0638 63.5402 11.0638C64.7462 11.0638 65.706 11.4979 66.4877 12.3674C67.2695 13.2369 67.6597 14.3286 67.6597 15.6426C67.6597 16.9566 67.2577 18.0275 66.4537 18.8512C65.6497 19.6762 64.6676 20.088 63.5061 20.088L63.5061 20.0893Z" fill="white" /> Follow us: SI EN SI EN


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