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Automated Reports

Built into the Wolfram Language is a powerful automated report system that can create notebooks with arbitrarily elaborate formatting, interaction, and computation. Authored using standard Wolfram System editing, template notebooks contain "slots" that can be populated with data from any source, then processed using any Wolfram Language operations. The automated report can readily be performed both locally and in the cloud on a specified schedule.

GenerateDocument — generate a report by applying a template notebook to data

Data Sources

List ( {...} ) — a list of values

Association ( <|...|> ) — a sequence of keys and values

Dataset — structured dataset (e.g. from an external database)

Import — import hundreds of formats from an external source

Template Notebooks

— button to insert a slot to be filled from data when the report is generated

— button to insert a expression to be evaluated when the report is generated

— button to insert a conditional block to a cell or cell group

— button to insert a repeating block to a cell or cell group

— button to apply a cell behavior to a cell or cell group

— button to specify notebook options for the generated report

— button to generate a preview of the report

File ▶ New ▶ Programmatic Notebook ▶ Testing Notebook — desktop menu item for a testing notebook

Cloud Deployment »

DocumentGenerator — define a templated document for scheduled cloud evaluation

APIFunction — define an API to generate a report

FormFunction — define a form to generate a report

ScheduledTask — define a task for scheduled cloud evaluation

ContinuousTask — define a task for continuous reevaluation in the cloud

Delayed  ▪  AutoRefreshed  ▪  ExportForm  ▪  SendMail  ▪  EmbedCode

Notebook Formatting »

Grid  ▪  Row  ▪  Column  ▪  Multicolumn  ▪  Item  ▪  Style  ▪  Background  ▪  ...

Programmatic Document Generation »

CreateDocument  ▪  TextCell  ▪  ExpressionCell  ▪  CellGroup  ▪  ...

LLMSynthesize — generate document content using an LLM

Importing from Notebooks

NotebookImport — import cells with specified styles etc. from a notebook
