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2637 results Heraldic PanelGibbon Reaching for the Reflection of the MoonTamesisTitle PageAlbum Amicorum of a German SoldierBust of ChristOil LampAlanquva and Her Three Sons, Folio from a Chingiznama (History of Genghis Khan)Spice DishWoman with a LuteMembers of Court of Sultan Selim II (r. 1566-1574)Christ Nailed to the Cross (recto); The Crucifixion (verso)Marksmanship TrophyGod Separating Land and WaterCharger with the Triumph of GalateaCup with Dragonhead FinialHoly Water BucketContainer for saltPreparations for a Feast: Folio from a Manuscript of the Kulliyat of Bushaq At‘imaDancing Krishna
