Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

The Wolfram Solution for Optics

Optimize systems of symbolically defined lenses and mirrors, test optical components with built-in image processing or data analysis functions and calculate complex ray-tracing models.

The Wolfram optics solution integrates these capabilities with built-in special functions, advanced differential equation solvers and the most automated and reliable computation, development and deployment environment available.

Wolfram technologies include thousands of built-in functions and curated data on many topics that let you:

In addition, the application package Optica offers a ray-tracing engine and a searchable component database of more than 6,800 commercial optical parts, all fully integrated.

Interactive models of the human eye and other optical systems
Model light refraction within a water droplet

Does your current tool set have these advantages?

Exploring optics models with symbolic and numeric calculations
Model core density profiles of optical fibers

The Wolfram Language includes thousands of built-in functions for computation, modeling, visualization, development and deployment »

Optics specific capabilities:

A Clear Solution: Optimizing Optics with Mathematica
A Clear Solution: Optimizing Optics with Mathematica
"It's very satisfying to be able to model something and then see it built and work." Donald BarnhartLead Developer and
Chief Optical Scientist, Optica Software
Power of Prescreening: Mathematica Saves Time and Money
Power of Prescreening: Mathematica Saves Time and Money
"We can do things we couldn't do before.... We can get better results and we can do it quickly." William MeyerVice President of Technology
Development, Scattering Solutions, Inc.

Organizations Using Wolfram Technologies

Nokia Alcon Research Canon Fresnel Technologies Kodak MicroVision Optical Research Associates Nikon National Institute of Standards and Technology

Consulting Solutions

Enlist the world’s computation experts to help with your project—any size, any level. At Wolfram, we know what’s possible with computational technology because we are global leaders in creating it. That gives us an unprecedented depth of expertise in applying it to consulting work in a variety of fields. Whether individual or enterprise, from concept to deployment, our computation experts can help you achieve robust results with less time and effort. Get us started with your project today