
The laboratories of the LabEx DYNAMO have a long-standing network of international collaborations with renowned laboratories throughout the world. Figure 3 shows the current world-wide Labex DYNAMO collaboration network; 


Countries Labex DYNAMO has collavorated with

Number of collaborations

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Some of the collaborations include :

UMR8261/Eliane Hajnsdorf) + LISBP – INSA de Toulouse (Muriel Cocaign)

« Engineering RNA life cycle to optimize the economy of microbial energy »

UMR8226/Mickael Cohen + Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt, Germany (Werner Kühlbrandt)

« Analysis of mitochondrial fusion by cryo-electron-tomography »

UMR7099/Dror Warschawski + University of Québec – UQAM (Isabelle Marcotte)

« Solid-state NMR of proliferating membranes in C43(DE3) strains of E. coli »

UMR7141/Francis-André Wollman + Aix-Marseille University (Emmanuelle Bouveret)

« Role of pGpp in the regulation of fatty acid metabolism in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii »

 UMR7099/Bruno Miroux + Paris Sud (Châtenay-Malabry)

« Quantitative analyses of phospholipid classes and species »

UMR 7099/Bruno Miroux + Institut Pasteur

« Global gene expression analyses in bacteria upon internal membrane proliferation »