
The laboratories involved in the DYNAMO programme have produced over 400 publications since 2012, with 20% in high-impact journals (Impact Factor > 11) and a dozen patents and licences. For the 80 publications woth an impact factor > 11, over 60% resulted from international collaborations with over 100 international laboratories (>50 from Europe) including some prestigious institutions like the University of Chicago (USA), University of Cambridge (UK), the Max Plack Institute and the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich (Germany), the National Cancer Institute, NIH (USA), the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York (USA), the University of Liège (Belgium), Okayama University (Japan), the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada)


6627095 2021 chicago-author-date 50 creator asc year 705 %7B%22status%22%3A%22success%22%2C%22updateneeded%22%3Afalse%2C%22instance%22%3A%22zotpress-413f91b0eb1222275d8ee0dae5b6f2d8%22%2C%22meta%22%3A%7B%22request_last%22%3A0%2C%22request_next%22%3A0%2C%22used_cache%22%3Atrue%7D%2C%22data%22%3A%5B%7B%22key%22%3A%22XYP6RQGL%22%2C%22library%22%3A%7B%22id%22%3A6627095%7D%2C%22meta%22%3A%7B%22creatorSummary%22%3A%22Abdelkrim%20et%20al.%22%2C%22parsedDate%22%3A%222021%22%2C%22numChildren%22%3A1%7D%2C%22bib%22%3A%22%3Cdiv%20class%3D%5C%22csl-bib-body%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22line-height%3A%201.35%3B%20padding-left%3A%201em%3B%20text-indent%3A-1em%3B%5C%22%3E%5Cn%20%20%3Cdiv%20class%3D%5C%22csl-entry%5C%22%3EAbdelkrim%2C%20Yosser%20Zina%2C%20Josette%20Banroques%2C%20and%20N.%20Kyle%20Tanner.%202021.%20%26%23x201C%3BKnown%20Inhibitors%20of%20RNA%20Helicases%20and%20Their%20Therapeutic%20Potential.%26%23x201D%3B%20%3Ci%3EMethods%20in%20Molecular%20Biology%20%28Clifton%2C%20N.J.%29%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%202209%3A%2035%26%23×××××××2013%3BAdaptive%20Pathways%20for%20Selective%20Water%20Cluster%20Permeation.%26%23x201D%3B%20%3Ci%3EJournal%20of%20the%20American%20Chemical%20Society%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%20143%20%2811%29%3A%204224%26%23××2013%3BAdaptive%20Pathways%20for%20Selective%20Water%20Cluster%20Permeation.%26%23x201D%3B%20%3Ci%3EJournal%20of%20the%20American%20Chemical%20Society%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%20143%20%2811%29%3A%204224%26%23×××2019%3Bs%20Disease%2C%20Parkinson%26%23×2019%3Bs%20Disease%2C%20Type%20II%20Diabetes%2C%20and%20Amyotrophic%20Lateral%20Sclerosis.%26%23x201D%3B%20%3Ci%3EChemical%20Reviews%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%20121%20%284%29%3A%202545%26%23××××××××2013%3BSulfur%20Biology%20Invades%20TRNA%20Modification%3A%20The%20Case%20of%20U34%20Sulfuration.%26%23x201D%3B%20%3Ci%3ENucleic%20Acids%20Research%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%2049%20%287%29%3A%203997%26%23× Abdelkrim, Yosser Zina, Josette Banroques, and N. Kyle Tanner. 2021. “Known Inhibitors of RNA Helicases and Their Therapeutic Potential.” Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2209: 35–52. Boudry, Pierre, Emma Piattelli, Emilie Drouineau, Johann Peltier, Anaïs Boutserin, Maxence Lejars, Eliane Hajnsdorf, et al. 2021. “Identification of RNAs Bound by Hfq Reveals Widespread RNA Partners and a Sporulation Regulator in the Human Pathogen Clostridioides Difficile.” RNA Biology, February, 1–22. BOURASSIN, Nicolas, Florent Barbault, Marc Baaden, and Sophie Sacquin-Mora. 2021. “Between Two Walls: Modeling the Adsorption Behavior of β-Glucosidase A on Bare and SAM-Functionalised Gold Surfaces.” Boyer, Benjamin, Benoist Laurent, Charles H. Robert, and Chantal Prévost. 2021. “Modeling Perturbations in Protein Filaments at the Micro and Meso Scale Using NAMD and PTools/Heligeom.” Bio-Protocol 11 (14): e4097. Danilowicz, Claudia, Evan Vietorisz, Veronica Godoy-Carter, Chantal Prévost, and Mara Prentiss. 2021. “Influences of SsDNA-RecA Filament Length on the Fidelity of Homologous Recombination.” Journal of Molecular Biology 433 (18): 167143. Duboué-Dijon, E., and J. Hénin. 2021. “Building Intuition for Binding Free Energy Calculations: Bound State Definition, Restraints, and Symmetry.” The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (20): 204101. Durand, Sylvain, and Maude Guillier. 2021. “Transcriptional and Post-Transcriptional Control of the Nitrate Respiration in Bacteria.” Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 8: 667758. Faivre, Bruno, Murielle Lombard, Soufyan Fakroun, Chau-Duy-Tam Vo, Catherine Goyenvalle, Vincent Guérineau, Ludovic Pecqueur, et al. 2021. “Dihydrouridine Synthesis in TRNAs Is under Reductive Evolution in Mollicutes.” RNA Biology, March, 1–12. Fostier, Corentin R., Laura Monlezun, Farès Ousalem, Shikha Singh, John F. Hunt, and Grégory Boël. 2021. “ABC-F Translation Factors: From Antibiotic Resistance to Immune Response.” FEBS Letters 595 (6): 675–706. Gato, Alexandre, Marjorie Catala, Carine Tisné, and Pierre Barraud. 2021. “A Method to Monitor the Introduction of Posttranscriptional Modifications in TRNAs with NMR Spectroscopy.” Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2298: 307–23. Gilet, Laetitia, Olivier Pellegrini, Aude Trinquier, Anastasia Tolcan, Delphine Allouche, Frédérique Braun, Sylvain Durand, and Ciarán Condon. 2021. “Analysis of Bacillus Subtilis Ribonuclease Activity In Vivo.” Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2209: 387–401. Hardiagon, Arthur, Samuel Murail, Li-Bo Huang, Arie van der Lee, Fabio Sterpone, Mihail Barboiu, and Marc Baaden. 2021. “Molecular Dynamics Simulations Reveal Statistics and Microscopic Mechanisms of Water Permeation in Membrane-Embedded Artificial Water Channel Nanoconstructs.” The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (18): 184102. Hardiagon, Arthur, Samuel Murail, Li-Bo Huang, Arie van der Lee, Fabio Sterpone, Mihail Barboiu, and Marc Baaden. 2021. “Molecular Dynamics Simulations Reveal Statistics and Microscopic Mechanisms of Water Permeation in Membrane-Embedded Artificial Water Channel Nanoconstructs.” The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (18): 184102. Huang, Li-Bo, Arthur Hardiagon, Istvan Kocsis, Cristina-Alexandra Jegu, Mihai Deleanu, Arnaud Gilles, Arie van der Lee, Fabio Sterpone, Marc Baaden, and Mihail Barboiu. 2021. “Hydroxy Channels–Adaptive Pathways for Selective Water Cluster Permeation.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (11): 4224–33. Huang, Li-Bo, Arthur Hardiagon, Istvan Kocsis, Cristina-Alexandra Jegu, Mihai Deleanu, Arnaud Gilles, Arie van der Lee, Fabio Sterpone, Marc Baaden, and Mihail Barboiu. 2021. “Hydroxy Channels–Adaptive Pathways for Selective Water Cluster Permeation.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (11): 4224–33. Iorio, Antonio, Jennifer Roche, Sylvain Engilberge, Nicolas Coquelle, Eric Girard, Fabio Sterpone, and Dominique Madern. 2021. “Biochemical, Structural and Dynamical Studies Reveal Strong Differences in the Thermal-Dependent Allosteric Behavior of Two Extremophilic Lactate Dehydrogenases.” Journal of Structural Biology 213 (3): 107769. Laalami, Soumaya, Marina Cavaiuolo, Sylvain Roque, Carine Chagneau, and Harald Putzer. 2021. “Escherichia Coli RNase E Can Efficiently Replace RNase Y in Bacillus Subtilis.” Nucleic Acids Research 49 (8): 4643–54. Makamte, Staëlle, Amira Jabrani, Annick Paquelin, Anne Plessis, Mathieu Sanial, Aurélien Thureau, Olga Rudenko, Francesco Oteri, Marc Baaden, and Valérie Biou. 2021. “A Large Disordered Region Confers a Wide Spanning Volume to Vertebrate Suppressor of Fused as Shown in a Trans-Species Solution Study.” Mboukou, Allegra, Vinod Rajendra, Renata Kleinova, Carine Tisné, Michael F. Jantsch, and Pierre Barraud. 2021. “Transportin-1: A Nuclear Import Receptor with Moonlighting Functions.” Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 8: 638149. Mokdadi, Molka, Yosser Zina Abdelkrim, Josette Banroques, Emmeline Huvelle, Rafeh Oualha, Hilal Yeter-Alat, Ikram Guizani, Mourad Barhoumi, and N. Kyle Tanner. 2021. “The In Silico Identification of Potential Members of the Ded1/DDX3 Subfamily of DEAD-Box RNA Helicases from the Protozoan Parasite Leishmania Infantum and Their Analyses in Yeast.” Genes 12 (2): 212. Nguyen, Phuong H., Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy, Bikash R. Sahoo, Jie Zheng, Peter Faller, John E. Straub, Laura Dominguez, et al. 2021. “Amyloid Oligomers: A Joint Experimental/Computational Perspective on Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Type II Diabetes, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.” Chemical Reviews 121 (4): 2545–2647. Oerum, Stephanie, Marjorie Catala, Maxime Bourguet, Laetitia Gilet, Pierre Barraud, Sarah Cianférani, Ciarán Condon, and Carine Tisné. 2021. “Structural Studies of RNase M5 Reveal Two-Metal-Ion Supported Two-Step DsRNA Cleavage for 5S RRNA Maturation.” RNA Biology, February, 1–11. Oerum, Stephanie, Vincent Meynier, Marjorie Catala, and Carine Tisné. 2021. “A Comprehensive Review of M6A/M6Am RNA Methyltransferase Structures.” Nucleic Acids Research 49 (13): 7239–55. Pellegrini, Olivier, Laetitia Gilet, Aude Trinquier, Anastasia Tolcan, Delphine Allouche, Sylvain Durand, Frédérique Braun, and Ciarán Condon. 2021. “Assay of Bacillus Subtilis Ribonuclease Activity In Vitro.” Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2209: 403–24. Sayegh, Adnan, Luca A. Perego, Marc Arderiu Romero, Louis Escudero, Jérôme Delacotte, Manon Guille-Collignon, Laurence Grimaud, Benjamin Bailleul, and Frédéric Lemaître. 2021. “Finding Adapted Quinones for Harvesting Electrons from Photosynthetic Algae Suspensions.” ChemElectroChem 8 (15): 2968–78. Timr, Stepan, and Fabio Sterpone. 2021. “Stabilizing or Destabilizing: Simulations of Chymotrypsin Inhibitor 2 under Crowding Reveal Existence of a Crossover Temperature.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (6): 1741–46. Wu, Xiaojing, Jérôme Hénin, Laura Baciou, Marc Baaden, Fabien Cailliez, and Aurélien de la Lande. 2021. “Mechanistic Insights on Heme-to-Heme Transmembrane Electron Transfer Within NADPH Oxydases From Atomistic Simulations.” Frontiers in Chemistry 9: 650651. Yoluç, Yasemin, Gregor Ammann, Pierre Barraud, Manasses Jora, Patrick A. Limbach, Yuri Motorin, Virginie Marchand, Carine Tisné, Kayla Borland, and Stefanie Kellner. 2021. “Instrumental Analysis of RNA Modifications.” Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 56 (2): 178–204. Zhou, Jingjing, Marine Lénon, Jean-Luc Ravanat, Nadia Touati, Christophe Velours, Karolina Podskoczyj, Grazyna Leszczynska, Marc Fontecave, Frédéric Barras, and Béatrice Golinelli-Pimpaneau. 2021. “Iron–Sulfur Biology Invades TRNA Modification: The Case of U34 Sulfuration.” Nucleic Acids Research 49 (7): 3997–4007.


6627095 2020 chicago-author-date 50 creator asc year 705 %7B%22status%22%3A%22success%22%2C%22updateneeded%22%3Afalse%2C%22instance%22%3A%22zotpress-80ecf67eb5f0ce8706bc2e66399002dd%22%2C%22meta%22%3A%7B%22request_last%22%3A50%2C%22request_next%22%3A50%2C%22used_cache%22%3Atrue%7D%2C%22data%22%3A%5B%7B%22key%22%3A%22TW4PM8ZP%22%2C%22library%22%3A%7B%22id%22%3A6627095%7D%2C%22meta%22%3A%7B%22creatorSummary%22%3A%22Alsayyah%20et%20al.%22%2C%22parsedDate%22%3A%222020-12-01%22%2C%22numChildren%22%3A0%7D%2C%22bib%22%3A%22%3Cdiv%20class%3D%5C%22csl-bib-body%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22line-height%3A%201.35%3B%20padding-left%3A%201em%3B%20text-indent%3A-1em%3B%5C%22%3E%5Cn%20%20%3Cdiv%20class%3D%5C%22csl-entry%5C%22%3EAlsayyah%2C%20Cynthia%2C%20Oznur%20Ozturk%2C%20Laetitia%20Cavellini%2C%20Na%26%23xEF%3Bma%20Belgareh-Touz%26%23xE9%3B%2C%20and%20Mickael%20M.%20Cohen.%202020.%20%26%23x201C%3BThe%20Regulation%20×××××××2013%3BR4%20Domain%20Dimer%20of%20the%20Wild%20Type%20and%20Phosphorylated%20Ser356%20Sequences.%20I.%20In%20Solution%20by%20Atomistic%20Simulations.%26%23x201D%3B%20%3Ci%3EThe%20Journal%20of%20Physical%20Chemistry%20B%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%20124%20%2815%29%3A%202975%26%23×××××2013%3BHHT%20in%20Its%20BLT2%20Receptor-Bound%20State.%26%23x201D%3B%20%3Ci%3EScientific%20Reports%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%2010%20%281%29%3A%201%26%23×××××××2014%3B%20Tools%20and%20Trends.%26%23x201D%3B%20%3Ci%3EBiochemical%20Society%20Transactions%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%2048%20%282%29%3A%20499%26%23××2013%3B%20October%203%2C%202019%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%2C%2078%26%23××2014%3B%20Tools%20and%20Trends.%26%23x201D%3B%20%3Ci%3EBiochemical%20Society%20Transactions%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%2048%20%282%29%3A%20499%26%23×××××× Alsayyah, Cynthia, Oznur Ozturk, Laetitia Cavellini, Naïma Belgareh-Touzé, and Mickael M. Cohen. 2020. “The Regulation of Mitochondrial Homeostasis by the Ubiquitin Proteasome System.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Bioenergetics 1861 (12): 148302. Beauzamy, Léna, Jérôme Delacotte, Benjamin Bailleul, Kenya Tanaka, Shuji Nakanishi, Francis-André Wollman, and Frédéric Lemaître. 2020. “Mediator-Microorganism Interaction in Microbial Solar Cell: A Fluo-Electrochemical Insight.” Analytical Chemistry 92 (11): 7532–39. Beauzamy, Léna, Frédéric Lemaître, and Julien Derr. 2020. “Underlying Mechanisms in Microbial Solar Cells: How Modeling Can Help.” Sustainable Energy & Fuels 4 (12): 6004–10. Bimai, Ornella, Simon Arragain, and Béatrice Golinelli-Pimpaneau. 2020. “Structure-Based Mechanistic Insights into Catalysis by TRNA Thiolation Enzymes.” Current Opinion in Structural Biology 65 (December): 69–78. Bujaldon, Sandrine, Natsumi Kodama, Mithun Kumar Rathod, Nicolas Tourasse, Shin-Ichiro Ozawa, Julien Sellés, Olivier Vallon, Yuichiro Takahashi, and Francis-André Wollman. 2020. “The BF4 and P71 Antenna Mutants from Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii.” Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics 1861 (4): 148085. Cai, Yiming, Ben Usher, Claude Gutierrez, Anastasia Tolcan, Moise Mansour, Peter C. Fineran, Ciarán Condon, Olivier Neyrolles, Pierre Genevaux, and Tim R. Blower. 2020. “A Nucleotidyltransferase Toxin Inhibits Growth of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis through Inactivation of TRNA Acceptor Stems.” Science Advances 6 (31): eabb6651. Cai, Yiming, Ben Usher, Claude Gutierrez, Anastasia Tolcan, Moise Mansour, Peter C. Fineran, Ciarán Condon, Olivier Neyrolles, Pierre Genevaux, and Tim R. Blower. 2020. “A Nucleotidyltransferase Toxin Inhibits Growth of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis through Inactivation of TRNA Acceptor Stems.” Science Advances 6 (31): eabb6651. Carpentier, Philippe, Chloé Leprêtre, Christian Basset, Thierry Douki, Stéphane Torelli, Victor Duarte, Djemel Hamdane, Marc Fontecave, and Mohamed Atta. 2020. “Structural, Biochemical and Functional Analyses of TRNA-Monooxygenase Enzyme MiaE from Pseudomonas Putida Provide Insights into TRNA/MiaE Interaction.” Nucleic Acids Research 48 (17): 9918–30. Carpentier, Philippe, Chloé Leprêtre, Christian Basset, Thierry Douki, Stéphane Torelli, Victor Duarte, Djemel Hamdane, Marc Fontecave, and Mohamed Atta. 2020. “Structural, Biochemical and Functional Analyses of TRNA-Monooxygenase Enzyme MiaE from Pseudomonas Putida Provide Insights into TRNA/MiaE Interaction.” Nucleic Acids Research 48 (17): 9918–30. Caspari, Oliver D. 2020. “Introduction of a Leaky Stop Codon as Molecular Tool in Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii.” PLOS ONE 15 (8): e0237405. Catala, Marjorie, Alexandre Gato, Carine Tisné, and Pierre Barraud. 2020. “1H, 15N Chemical Shift Assignments of the Imino Groups of Yeast TRNAPhe: Influence of the Post-Transcriptional Modifications.” Biomolecular NMR Assignments, April. Catala, M., A. Gato, C. Tisné, and P. Barraud. 2020. “Yeast TRNAPhe Samples Preparation for NMR Spectroscopy.” Bio-Protocol In Press. Catala, Marjorie, Alexandre Gato, Carine Tisné, and Pierre Barraud. 2020. “Preparation of Yeast TRNA Sample for NMR Spectroscopy.” Bio-Protocol 10 (12): e3646. Catala, Marjorie, Alexandre Gato, Carine Tisné, and Pierre Barraud. 2020. “1H, 15N Chemical Shift Assignments of the Imino Groups of Yeast TRNAPhe: Influence of the Post-Transcriptional Modifications.” Biomolecular NMR Assignments 14 (2): 169–74. Cavaiuolo, Marina, Carine Chagneau, Soumaya Laalami, and Harald Putzer. 2020. “Impact of RNase E and RNase J on Global MRNA Metabolism in the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803.” Frontiers in Microbiology 11. Cavaiuolo, Marina, Carine Chagneau, Soumaya Laalami, and Harald Putzer. 2020. “Impact of RNase E and RNase J on Global MRNA Metabolism in the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803.” Frontiers in Microbiology 11: 1055. Carpentier, Félix de, Jeanne Le Peillet, Nicolas D. Boisset, Pierre Crozet, Stéphane D. Lemaire, and Antoine Danon. 2020. “Blasticidin S Deaminase: A New Efficient Selectable Marker for Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii.” Frontiers in Plant Science 11. Derreumaux, Philippe, Viet Hoang Man, Junmei Wang, and Phuong H. Nguyen. 2020. “Tau R3–R4 Domain Dimer of the Wild Type and Phosphorylated Ser356 Sequences. I. In Solution by Atomistic Simulations.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 124 (15): 2975–83. Dezaire, Ambre, Christophe H. Marchand, Marine Vallet, Nathalie Ferrand, Soraya Chaouch, Elisabeth Mouray, Annette K. Larsen, et al. 2020. “Secondary Metabolites from the Culture of the Marine-Derived Fungus Paradendryphiella Salina PC 362H and Evaluation of the Anticancer Activity of Its Metabolite Hyalodendrin.” Marine Drugs 18 (4): 191. Duboué-Dijon, E., M. Javanainen, P. Delcroix, P. Jungwirth, and H. Martinez-Seara. 2020. “A Practical Guide to Biologically Relevant Molecular Simulations with Charge Scaling for Electronic Polarization.” The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (5): 050901. Exner, Thomas E., Stefanie Becker, Simon Becker, Audrey Boniface-Guiraud, Philippe Delepelaire, Kay Diederichs, and Wolfram Welte. 2020. “Binding of HasA by Its Transmembrane Receptor HasR Follows a Conformational Funnel Mechanism.” European Biophysics Journal: EBJ 49 (1): 39–57. Falciatore, Angela, Marianne Jaubert, Jean-Pierre Bouly, Benjamin Bailleul, and Thomas Mock. 2020. “Diatom Molecular Research Comes of Age: Model Species for Studying Phytoplankton Biology and Diversity.” The Plant Cell 32 (3): 547–72. Garrido, Clotilde, Oliver D. Caspari, Yves Choquet, Francis-André Wollman, and Ingrid Lafontaine. 2020. “Evidence Supporting an Antimicrobial Origin of Targeting Peptides to Endosymbiotic Organelles.” Cells 9 (8): 1795. Gilet, Jules, Romain Conte, Claire Torchet, Lionel Benard, and Ingrid Lafontaine. 2020. “Additional Layer of Regulation via Convergent Gene Orientation in Yeasts.” Molecular Biology and Evolution 37 (2): 365–78. Giusti, Fabrice, Marina Casiraghi, Elodie Point, Marjorie Damian, Jutta Rieger, Christel Le Bon, Alexandre Pozza, Karine Moncoq, Jean-Louis Banères, and Laurent J. Catoire. 2020. “Structure of the Agonist 12–HHT in Its BLT2 Receptor-Bound State.” Scientific Reports 10 (1): 1–13. Hamouche, Lina, Cyrille Billaudeau, Anna Rocca, Arnaud Chastanet, Saravuth Ngo, Soumaya Laalami, and Harald Putzer. 2020. “Dynamic Membrane Localization of RNase Y in Bacillus Subtilis.” MBio 11 (1). Hamouche, Lina, Cyrille Billaudeau, Anna Rocca, Arnaud Chastanet, Saravuth Ngo, Soumaya Laalami, and Harald Putzer. 2020. “Dynamic Membrane Localization of RNase Y in Bacillus Subtilis.” MBio 11 (1): e03337-19. Henninger, Erin, and Maria T Teixeira. 2020. “Telomere-Driven Mutational Processes in Yeast.” Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, Cancer Genomics, 60 (February): 99–106. Ignatov, Dmitriy, Karolis Vaitkevicius, Sylvain Durand, Laty Cahoon, Stefanie S. Sandberg, Xijia Liu, Birgitte H. Kallipolitis, et al. 2020. “An MRNA-MRNA Interaction Couples Expression of a Virulence Factor and Its Chaperone in Listeria Monocytogenes.” Cell Reports 30 (12): 4027-4040.e7. Ignatov, Dmitriy, Karolis Vaitkevicius, Sylvain Durand, Laty Cahoon, Stefanie S. Sandberg, Xijia Liu, Birgitte H. Kallipolitis, et al. 2020. “An MRNA-MRNA Interaction Couples Expression of a Virulence Factor and Its Chaperone in Listeria Monocytogenes.” Cell Reports 30 (12): 4027-4040.e7. Katava, M., M. Marchi, D. 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Laureanti, Joseph, Juan Brandi, Elvis Offor, David Engel, Robert Rallo, Bojana Ginovska, Xavier Martinez, Marc Baaden, and Nathan A. Baker. 2020. “Visualizing Biomolecular Electrostatics in Virtual Reality with UnityMol-APBS.” Protein Science: A Publication of the Protein Society 29 (1): 237–46. Lejars, Maxence, and Eliane Hajnsdorf. 2020. “The World of AsRNAs in Gram-Negative and Gram-Positive Bacteria.” Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1863 (2): 194489. Lejars, Maxence, and Eliane Hajnsdorf. 2020. “The World of AsRNAs in Gram-Negative and Gram-Positive Bacteria.” Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1863 (2): 194489. Marconnet, Anaïs, Baptiste Michon, Christel Le Bon, Fabrice Giusti, Christophe Tribet, and Manuela Zoonens. 2020. “Solubilization and Stabilization of Membrane Proteins by Cycloalkane-Modified Amphiphilic Polymers.” Biomacromolecules, June. Martinez, Xavier, Matthieu Chavent, and Marc Baaden. 2020. “Visualizing Protein Structures — Tools and Trends.” Biochemical Society Transactions 48 (2): 499–506. Martinez, Xavier, Arthur Hardiagon, Hubert Santuz, Samuel Murail, Mihail Barboiu, Fabio Sterpone, and Marc Baaden. 2020. “Using Computer Simulations and Virtual Reality to Understand, Design and Optimize Artificial Water Channels.” In Lecture Notes in Bioengineering / Advances in Bionanomaterials IISelected Papers from the 3rd International Conference on Bio and Nanomaterials, BIONAM 2019, September 29 – October 3, 2019, 78–99. Martinez, Xavier, Matthieu Chavent, and Marc Baaden. 2020. “Visualizing Protein Structures — Tools and Trends.” Biochemical Society Transactions 48 (2): 499–506. Martins, Laura, Johannes Knuesting, Laetitia Bariat, Avilien Dard, Sven A. 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6627095 2014 chicago-author-date 50 creator asc year 705 %7B%22status%22%3A%22success%22%2C%22updateneeded%22%3Afalse%2C%22instance%22%3A%22zotpress-f433b853d7e3dfdffaeb75d430a07acd%22%2C%22meta%22%3A%7B%22request_last%22%3A50%2C%22request_next%22%3A50%2C%22used_cache%22%3Atrue%7D%2C%22data%22%3A%5B%7B%22key%22%3A%2278QIJ8VZ%22%2C%22library%22%3A%7B%22id%22%3A6627095%7D%2C%22meta%22%3A%7B%22creatorSummary%22%3A%22Aussel%20et%20al.%22%2C%22parsedDate%22%3A%222014-07%22%2C%22numChildren%22%3A1%7D%2C%22bib%22%3A%22%3Cdiv%20class%3D%5C%22csl-bib-body%5C%22%20style%3D%5C%22line-height%3A%201.35%3B%20padding-left%3A%201em%3B%20text-indent%3A-1em%3B%5C%22%3E%5Cn%20%20%3Cdiv%20class%3D%5C%22csl-entry%5C%22%3EAussel%2C%20Laurent%2C%20Fabien%20Pierrel%2C%20Laurent%20Loiseau%2C%20Murielle%20Lombard%2C%20Marc%20Fontecave%2C%20and%20Fr%26%23xE9%3Bd%26%23xE9%3Bric%20Barras.%202014.%20%26%23x201C%3BBiosynthesis%20and%20Physiology%20of%20Coenzyme%20Q%20in%20Bacteria.%26%23x201D%3B%20%3Ci%3EBiochimica%20Et%20Biophysica%20Acta%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%201837%20%287%29%3A%201004%26%23××161%3B%2C%20et%20al.%202014.%20%26%23x201C%3BDrosophila%20Spag%20Is%20the%20Homolog%20of%20RNA%20Polymerase%20II-Associated%20Protein%203%20%28RPAP3%29%20and%20Recruits%20the%20Heat%20Shock%20Proteins%2070%20and%2090%20%28Hsp70%20and%20Hsp90%29%20during%20the%20Assembly%20of%20Cellular%20Machineries.%26%23x201D%3B%20%3Ci%3EThe%20Journal%20of%20Biological%20Chemistry%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%20289%20%289%29%3A%206236%26%23××××2019%3Bs%20Guide%20to%20the%20Study%20of%20Membrane%20Proteins%20by%20NMR.%26%23x201D%3B%20In%20%3Ci%3EMembrane%20Proteins%20Production%20for%20Structural%20Analysis%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%2C%20edited%20by%20Isabelle%20Mus-Veteau%2C%20315%26%23×××2013%3B10%29%3A%20815%26%23×××××2013%3B10%29%3A%201053%26%23×××2013%3B10%29%3A%201043%26%23××2013%3B10%29%3A%20925%26%23×××2013%3B10%29%3A%20909%26%23××××××394%3BATpase%20Pgr5%20and%20%26%23×394%3BrbcL%20Pgr5%20Mutants%20in%20the%20Green%20Alga%20Chlamydomonas%20Reinhardtii.%26%23x201D%3B%20%3Ci%3EPlant%20Physiology%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%20165%20%281%29%3A%20438%26%23×××2013%3B10%29%3A%20797%26%23××××2013%3B10%29%3A%20861%26%23×××××××107%3B%2C%20Milena%2C%20Fabrice%20Giusti%2C%20Jean-Luc%20Popot%2C%20and%20Jaap%20Broos.%202014.%20%26%23x201C%3BIsolation%20of%20Escherichia%20Coli%20Mannitol%20Permease%2C%20EII%28Mtl%29%2C%20Trapped%20in%20Amphipol%20A8-35%20and%20Fluorescein-Labeled%20A8-35.%26%23x201D%3B%20%3Ci%3EThe%20Journal%20of%20Membrane%20Biology%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%20247%20%289%26%23×2013%3B10%29%3A%201019%26%23××107%3B%2C%20Milena%2C%20Gr%26%23xE9%3Bgory%20Durand%2C%20Michael%20Bosco%2C%20Ange%20Polidori%2C%20and%20Jean-Luc%20Popot.%202014.%20%26%23x201C%3BAmphipols%20and%20Photosynthetic%20Light-Harvesting%20Pigment-Protein%20Complexes.%26%23x201D%3B%20%3Ci%3EThe%20Journal%20of%20Membrane%20Biology%3C%5C%2Fi%3E%20247%20%289%26%23×2013%3B10%29%3A%201031%26%23×××××2013%3B10%29%3A%20827%26%23×××2013%3B10%29%3A%20997%26%23××2013%3B10%29%3A%20971%26%23××××× Aussel, Laurent, Fabien Pierrel, Laurent Loiseau, Murielle Lombard, Marc Fontecave, and Frédéric Barras. 2014. “Biosynthesis and Physiology of Coenzyme Q in Bacteria.” Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta 1837 (7): 1004–11. 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