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Library Locations

Site Uni Arve

Bibliothèque Ernst & Lucie Schmidheiny (BELS)

opening hours & available places

Access from 8pm and the weekend is through the entrance: Rue Sainte-Clotilde (access map).

Collections available at  Schmidheiny Library

Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Earth sciences and Physics

Other collections of Sciences


-> Observatoire de Sauverny

Computer science

 -> Battelle (Bâtiment D)


 -> Bibliothèque Georges de Rham (Conseil-Général 7-9)

Environmental sciences

-> Institut des Sciences de l’environnement (ISE, Carl-Vogt)


See the latest news of Uni ARVE site

Training: new program

Love Data Week 2024

Library closures February 2024


Bibliothèque Ersnt&Lucie Schmidheiny

Quai Ernest-Ansermet 30
CH-1211 Genève 4
Tel : +41 (0)22 379 65 06
Fax : +41 (0)22 379 35 70




Public transports

bus 2, 19 (Ste-Clotilde)
bus 11, 80 (Jonction)
tram 14 (Jonction)
More info : www.tpg.ch


Ansermet, David-Dufour, Plainpalais, Vernets


Extend your loans
Order a book / an article
Consult the new books/ebooks
Ask your question
Deposit your publication

At your disposal (BELS)

182 work places, 17 PC, 2 PC dedicated to research in the catalogue,  1 multiservices printer

Resources by subjects

Check out a selection of  resources in your subject: 
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Earth Sciences


Follow the Library on UNIGE social media with #BiblioUNIGE


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