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Archive ouverte UNIGE

The Archive ouverte UNIGE is the digital repository of the scientific assets of the University of Geneva. It was created in 2008 in order to collect, preserve and make accessible as widely as possible the publications of the institution's teachers and researchers, following the principles of Open Access.

The University's employees are obliged to deposit the most widely distributable copy of all their publications, in compliance with the rights of third parties (see institutional directive).

Go to Archive ouverte UNIGE

Which version of the file to upload?

The Directive requires that the most widely distributable version be deposited, whether it is the published version (publisher's PDF) or the accepted version, i.e. the author's final manuscript. It should be noted that both versions can be deposited simultaneously, each with its own level of dissemination.




For articles published in scientific journals, Sherpa Romeo provides information on the journal publisher's policy. This information, which specifies the freely shareable version(s), is included and presented in the Open Archive at the time of deposit.

Which access right?

For each file deposited in the Open Archive, you must select one of the three levels of dissemination proposed.

  1. Public access
  2. Restricted access
  3. Closed access

Public access is obviously the most open level, without any restrictions. Restricted access limits downloads to those with UNIGE or HUG computer access. Closed access allows downloads only to authors with UNIGE/HUG computer access.


It is also possible to set an additional temporary restriction, called embargo. The advantage of this mechanism is that it works automatically, i.e. at the end of the period chosen by the user, the level of access is modified according to the predetermined choice.


A research project carried out as part of a thesis is subject to a patent application. And as long as the patent is not registered, which can take several months, the thesis must not be disseminated. The doctoral student will therefore deposit her thesis in the Archive ouverte UNIGE WITH a 12-month embargo on closed access.

Some figures

Early 2022, after 14 years of operation, more than 100,000 documents have been referenced in the Archive, more than half of which are full text and open access.

Number of documents in the Archive ouverte:



As far as downloads are concerned, there are several tens of thousands every month, not counting the files retrieved by search engines.

Number of downloads per month:



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