1. Healthy Workplace (HWP)
  2. Carleton Athletics
  3. Equity and Inclusive Communities
  4. Campus Sustainability
  5. Campus Safety

At Carleton University, you are a member of a warm and welcoming community of over 2,000 faculty and staff members and 31,000 students.

Core to its values, Carleton is committed to providing a healthy, safe, and supportive environment that is based on respect, equality, collegiality, recognition and safety.

Healthy Workplace (HWP)

Carleton University encourages faculty and staff to adopt and promote positive physical and mental health, build social connections, engage in professional development opportunities, and achieve work-life balance. Healthy Workplace is an exciting program that is bringing workplace health to all Carleton faculty and staff. The program is based on exhaustive research on wellness and recognition practices throughout the university community. The Healthy Workplace Committee and the Healthy Workplace Champions, comprised of staff from all over campus, seek to make Carleton a healthy and enjoyable place to work. Some of HWP’s initiatives include:

Carleton Athletics

Our Department of Recreation and Athletics is dedicated to providing a broad spectrum of sport, fitness and recreational opportunities for staff, faculty, students and the community.

Professional Services staff and faculty have free access to:

Carleton Athletics also offers a variety of children’s camps, fitness classes, and sports leagues.

Carleton Fitness Centre

Equity and Inclusive Communities

The Department of Equity and Inclusive Communities fosters the development of an inclusive and transformational university culture where individual distinctiveness and a sense of belonging for every member drive excellence in research, teaching, learning and working at Carleton. Such a culture facilitates cross-cultural and interdisciplinary collaboration, local and global engagement, as well as an environment of innovative intellectual inquiry where all can fulfil their potential.

We serve all members of the Carleton community including students, non-academic staff and faculty. Structured along four connected Centres of Focus, our department uses collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches to portfolio challenges and opportunities:

Campus Sustainability

Carleton University has a strong commitment to embedding continuous environmental and sustainable improvement into our operations. The Carleton Sustainability team continues to look to find new and innovative ways to demonstrate our sustainability leadership in research, teaching, learning and operations. This commitment allows us to reduce our collective impact while ensuring that both existing and future generations of students, staff and faculty continue to enjoy our unique campus.

Check out some of the ongoing initiatives including the Waste Wizard and Carbon 613, or see News in Sustainability.

Ecology concept. Hand holding light bulb against nature on green leaf with icons energy sources for renewable, sustainable development, save energy

Campus Safety

Carleton’s Department of University Safety is responsible for:

If you are on campus and an emergency occurs, dial 4444 from any campus phone or dial 613-520-4444 to coordinate an Emergency Response with Safety at Carleton. University Safety is great service that can assist you with your personal safety as well as property safety.

Check out the University Safety website to learn more about Campus Safety initiatives.